Claire Dwyer - Blessed Is She

Claire Dwyer

Claire Dwyer writes with the desire that all women see the sacredness of their stories in light of Salvation History. Speaker, Retreat Leader, Author of This Present Paradise, senior copywriter...
May 04, 2024
Lani Bogart - Blessed Is She

Lani Bogart

Lani Bogart was born in Hawaii and grew up in Ohio and Michigan. She was a small child when she began to love Jesus. She’s at home in Texas with her...
November 01, 2023
Patricia Valderrama - Blessed Is She

Patricia Valderrama

Patricia Valderrama hails from the big state of Texas with a degree in Communication Studies from the University of Texas at Austin (hook 'em horns). When she was a freshman...
July 13, 2023
Mary Peach - Blessed Is She

Mary Peach

Mary Peach is 26 years old and lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is working as a project specialist for Regnum Christi and recently finished Master’s in Psychology. She was born...
June 14, 2023
Sarah Zentner - Blessed Is She

Sarah Zentner

Sarah Zentner is a bibliophile and “hygge” enthusiast who delights in steaming mugs of tea, freshly baked pastries, the Little Way, and all things true, good, and beautiful. She lives in...
April 23, 2023
Cathy Webb - Blessed Is She

Cathy Webb

Cathy Webb is a consecrated virgin for the Diocese of Wilmington and the creator of the Sacred Heart to Heart journal. A full-time Library Assistant, she loves long books, long skirts, and,...
January 20, 2023
Steph Salinas - Blessed Is She

Steph Salinas

Stephanie Salinas is a wife and mama living in the West Valley of Arizona. A California native, she enjoys time with family rooting for the LA sports teams. She holds...
December 14, 2022
Aubrey Major - Blessed Is She

Aubrey Major

Aubrey Major is living in Indianapolis, IN, serving Blessed is She as Design Lead. She has a new favorite color every week, loves the feeling of deep laughter, and scrolls...
December 14, 2022
Jacky Hernandez - Blessed Is She

Jacky Hernandez

Jacky Hernandez is a SoCal gal through and through where the sun never stops shining and beaches abide. Studying Psychology at Cal State Fullerton, she hopes to one day provide...
December 14, 2022
Mariana Pimiento - Blessed Is She

Mariana Pimiento

Mariana Pimiento is a Colombia-born storyteller and artist. She enjoys big dinners with her Colombian family, talking about Theology of the Body, and any chance for a bonfire. The preaching...
December 14, 2022
Senite Sahlezghi - Blessed Is She

Senite Sahlezghi

Senite Sahlezghi is a consecrated virgin for the Archdiocese of Denver. She is a first generation Eritrean American, is a licensed professional counselor with a master’s in Counseling Psychology, and...
December 14, 2022
Elza Spaedy - Blessed Is She

Elza Spaedy

Since her miraculous healing from the painful trauma of sexual abuse, Elza Spaedy has been on fire for the Lord, ready to let Him use her and her story to...
December 14, 2022