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Transform My Heart - Blessed Is She

Transform My Heart

Jesus said to his disciples: "You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, offer no...
16 juin, 2024
Inflame Our Hearts - Blessed Is She

Inflame Our Hearts

So the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord.” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he tucked in his garment, for he was...
04 avril, 2024
Arise, Little Girl - Blessed Is She

Arise, Little Girl

Lent starts February 14, and so does the RESCUED Blessed is She Lent devotional. This year, you’ll be receiving an excerpt from the Lent devotional every day in your inbox (in...
29 janvier, 2024
Clinging To the Vine - Blessed Is She

Clinging To the Vine

“I am the vine, you are the branches, says the Lord: whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit.” // John 15:5 I hung up the...
15 novembre, 2023
Overcoming My Shame - Blessed Is She

Overcoming My Shame

I am not ashamed of the Gospel. // Romans 1:16 My fingers stopped dancing across the keyboard as I stared at the words on the screen. I love today’s verse...
16 octobre, 2023
Bringing Glad Tidings - Blessed Is She

Bringing Glad Tidings

“He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free . . . ” // Luke 4:16-19 As...
03 septembre, 2023
Letting Go of The Ring - Blessed Is She

Letting Go of The Ring

You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. // Matthew 22:37 Snuggled on the couch, popcorn in hand,...
24 août, 2023
Practicing Gratitude - Blessed Is She

Practicing Gratitude

How shall I make a return to the LORD for all the good he has done for me? // Psalm 116:12 “Mom, are you complaining?” I bit my tongue and...
20 juillet, 2023
Encouragement In Our Afflictions - Blessed Is She

Encouragement In Our Afflictions

Father of compassion and the God of all encouragement, who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction...
11 juin, 2023
In the Tedious Tasks - Blessed Is She

Dans les tâches fastidieuses

"Je t'ai glorifié sur la terre en accomplissant l'œuvre que tu m'as donnée à faire." // Jean 17:4 Je fermai les yeux et pris une profonde inspiration. Si je n'avais...
22 mai, 2023
He Is Hope Itself - Blessed Is She

Il est l'espoir lui-même

Mais Dieu l'a relevé, le libérant des affres de la mort, car il lui était impossible d'y être retenu. // Actes 2:24 En parcourant Instagram, j'ai vu d'innombrables messages de...
09 avril, 2023
Don't Let Fear Hold You Back - Blessed Is She

Ne laissez pas la peur vous retenir

Il leva les yeux vers le ciel et gémit, et lui dit : « Ephphatha ! (c'est-à-dire "Ouvrez-vous!") Et aussitôt les oreilles de l'homme s'ouvrirent. // Marc 7:34-35 Je faisais...
09 février, 2023