for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Only for Today: The Daily Decalogue of Pope St. John XXIII - Blessed Is She

Only for Today: The Daily Decalogue of Pope St. John XXIII

It’s no secret that our church is in the midst of troubled times. As the initial waves of grief, rage, sorrow, and more with the revelation of the sexual abuse...
Remember Me: Celebrating the Day of the Dead - Blessed Is She

Remember Me: Celebrating the Day of the Dead

One of the seven Corporal Works of Mercy is to “bury the dead.” While this certainly means grieving alongside families who have lost loved ones, it also means continuing to...
How Edith Stein Helped Me to (Really) Know Myself - Blessed Is She

How Edith Stein Helped Me to (Really) Know Myself

Most of my Catholic friends have several saints with whom they consider to be close spiritual friends, mentors on their life journey. For me some of my favorites include: St....
St. Teresa of Avila: Mystic & Reformer - Blessed Is She

St. Teresa of Avila: Mystic & Reformer

A mystic and reformer. St. Teresa of Avila’s heart, mind, and soul were absorbed in all that is Divine and she longed to be with her Spouse, Christ, in Heaven....
St. Francis of Assisi and the God of Creation - Blessed Is She

St. Francis of Assisi and the God of Creation

Today marks the much-celebrated feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Without him, our churches would be void of Crèches at Christmastime and our animal companions would go unblessed (for starters)....
Story of a Soul - Blessed Is She

Story of a Soul

Last winter I was in a rough spot. I felt broken in my life and my relationships, and that if I couldn’t do something “world changing” then I wasn’t living...
St. Thérèse, Doctor of Merciful Love - Blessed Is She

St. Thérèse, Doctor of Merciful Love

When I was young, my family owned an illustrated Lives of the Saints book. On the cover was a black and white picture of a young girl. I remember flipping...
Embracing the Little Way - Blessed Is She

Embracing the Little Way

Picture this. A young girl is just starting to fall in love with the Lord and discovers that everyone on this earth has a call to sainthood. But that wasn’t...
Follow Me: On the Feast of St. Matthew - Blessed Is She

Follow Me: On the Feast of St. Matthew

Chiaroscuro is a term used to describe the contrast of light and dark in a painting. The artform was made famous by Italian painter Caravaggio in the painting “The Calling...
Finding Calcutta - Blessed Is She

Finding Calcutta

Has a saint ever chased after you? Everywhere you turn, there there are, seemingly waiting for you. It’s like they’re trying to tell you something that you don’t want to...
When Caring Turns Into Worrying - Blessed Is She

When Caring Turns Into Worrying

I woke up in a sweat. Once again I was dreaming about a particular situation that was causing grief and turmoil in my life and for others around me. As...
What St. Maximilian Kolbe Taught Me About Forgiveness - Blessed Is She

What St. Maximilian Kolbe Taught Me About Forgiveness

I am sure many of you have special relationships with different saints for a variety of reasons. Maybe you feel they are a spiritual big brother or sister, or perhaps...