for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Clever Catholic Names for Pets - Blessed Is She

Clever Catholic Names for Pets

After the creation of the world, God gave to Adam the notable task of naming the animals. Typically, the right of naming is reserved for the creator of said thing,...
Saint Maria Goretti // Witness to Reconciliation - Blessed Is She

Saint Maria Goretti // Witness to Reconciliation

Many years ago, my dad was going through his father’s desk and showed me a precious, antique Christmas card. Attached to the card was a relic of Saint Maria Goretti....
4 Saints Who Were Encouraged to Have Abortions - Blessed Is She

4 Saints Who Were Encouraged to Have Abortions

The discovery of a new pregnancy is one of the most exciting things that can happen to a woman. At the same time, it can also be incredibly fear-inducing. After...
Saint Joan of Arc // Humble Maiden, Courageous Warrior - Blessed Is She

Saint Joan of Arc // Humble Maiden, Courageous Warrior

When my daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia in second grade, she was already fighting an uphill battle with reading. The way in which she was being taught at school was...
Summer Beach Reads for Catholics - Blessed Is She

Summer Beach Reads for Catholics

I love to read: Scripture, spiritual reading, lives of the Saints, novels, and my new favorite, narrative nonfiction. Growing up, I was the kid who read the Reader’s Digest front...
Saints to Turn to When You Can't Sleep - Blessed Is She

Saints to Turn to When You Can't Sleep

Some nights—and for a few of us, most nights—are restless and sleepless. Whether our lack of sleep is due to anxiety, a crying baby, a sick child, or a reason...
Saint Joseph the Worker + the Meaningful Mundane - Blessed Is She

Saint Joseph the Worker + the Meaningful Mundane

Tolkien’s short but poignant work "Leaf by Niggle" offers fascinating insights into the intersection of our personal and professional lives. Niggle’s vocation involves painting leaves. But he battles against his...
On Thomas + Divine Mercy - Blessed Is She

On Thomas + Divine Mercy

Every Divine Mercy Sunday, I am filled with gratitude for the Gospel that is read at Mass. I have always deeply loved the Apostle Thomas. His exclamation to the other...
Saints Who Had Conversions Later in Life - Blessed Is She

Saints Who Had Conversions Later in Life

Age is an interesting concept. What was once considered old, our modern experience now perceives as the prime of life. Likewise, what we currently qualify as middle-age, our ancestors might...
Ways to Show Devotion to Saint Joseph - Blessed Is She

Ways to Show Devotion to Saint Joseph

Our devotion for the spouse of Mother Mary should not have ended with the conclusion of the Year of Saint Joseph. Rather, it should continue to blossom and unfold each...
Venerable Anne de Guigne // The Power of Obedience - Blessed Is She

Venerable Anne de Guigne // The Power of Obedience

I was a bit skeptical when learning about a girl who is just 10 years old and on the way to canonization, but then I remembered about others who were...
Rocks, Chairs, and Popes - Blessed Is She

Rocks, Chairs, and Popes

If you have had the opportunity to watch the first seasons of The Chosen, you too might have extra appreciation for the figure of Peter. In the series, Simon (Peter)...