for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

2023 Catholic Holiday Gift Guide | Catholic Women-Owned Businesses - Blessed Is She

2023 Catholic Holiday Gift Guide | Catholic Women-Owned Businesses

We know you have a lot on your plate this Thanksgiving week (literally and figuratively) and we wanted to make your Christmas shopping easier. After all, don't you want to...
On the Epiphany and Welcoming Strangers - Blessed Is She

On the Epiphany and Welcoming Strangers

Recently during Advent our family hosted what the kids named Blessed is She Advent kids’ club. We invited my son’s classmates to join us in doing the Blessed is She...
A New Christmas Album with Old Friends - Blessed Is She

A New Christmas Album with Old Friends

If you're a Catholic who loves a rollicking good tune, you have probably heard of the band "Scythian": two Ukranian Catholic brothers, Alexander and Danylo Fedoryka, accompanied by two of...
On Saint Andrew and Doing What is Yours - Blessed Is She

On Saint Andrew and Doing What is Yours

“I have done what was mine; may Christ teach you what is yours.” These words of freedom spoken by Saint Francis of Assisi’s to his brothers when he was on...
How to Host a Favorite Things Gift Exchange - Blessed Is She

How to Host a Favorite Things Gift Exchange

Gift giving is an important part of the Christmas season. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when the tradition of exchanging Christmas gifts began. But even on that first Christmas, wise...
Epiphany // Uninvited Guests + Savvy Star-Gazers - Blessed Is She

Epiphany // Uninvited Guests + Savvy Star-Gazers

In the Eastern Orthodox tradition, the culmination of Christmastide is celebrated at last during the arrival of the Magi. Gifts aren’t exchanged among families until the Christ-Child would have received...
The True Christmas Presence // A Poem - Blessed Is She

The True Christmas Presence // A Poem

It’s so easy to become wrapped up in shopping for the perfect Christmas presents. In our attempts to beat the crowd and to ensure everyone on our list is gifted...
2021 Blessed is She Gift Guide - Blessed Is She

2021 Blessed is She Gift Guide

2022 Liturgical Planner | Saintly Scents Candles | Emmanuel Christmas Devotional Miraculous Medal Earrings | BIS Water Bottle | Lined Journals Nunc Coepi: A Year of Prayer | Tiny Saints...
The Importance of "Zeroing In" in Prayer - Blessed Is She

The Importance of "Zeroing In" in Prayer

I rise early after only snoozing my alarm once. I creep past my children's bedrooms as they slumber. I start the coffee. I light the candle. I sit down in...
Celebrating the Epiphany of Our Lord - Blessed Is She

Celebrating the Epiphany of Our Lord

On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of...
The Beauty of the Incarnation - Blessed Is She

The Beauty of the Incarnation

I recently finished Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict XVI. The most powerful lesson I learned from this book was the startling reality of the Incarnation. The news that God...
Our Favorite Christmas Traditions - Blessed Is She

Our Favorite Christmas Traditions

It is the Advent season, and I think we are all ready for some Christmas cheer. Read on to find out how the Blessed Is She blog writers will be...