Sunday Fun for Faith-Filled Families
Four months into the monotony of working from home, I find myself asking the question at least once every twenty-four hours, “What day is it again?” My confusion is probably...
Prayers for Children Who Have Left the Church
As Catholic mothers, we want the very best for our children. We want them to be happy and healthy. We want them to thrive in school, friendship, interests, and talents....
How to Name Your Baby (Catholic-Style)
Names are an important thing, a truth that becomes all the more obvious as a parent trying to choose a name for your child the first time. Some have had...
Scripture Verses to Pray for Your Marriage
My husband and I have often wondered together in awe of our families’ shared history of long marriages. We ourselves will celebrate 21 years of marriage this month. Both sets...
How to Start Praying with Your Spouse (Finding What Works for You)
Though not newlyweds, my husband and I are still fairly new to this whole marriage thing. Over the last three and a half years, we have realized over and over...
Building a Catholic Library for Kids
One of the first gifts I received as a new, first-time mom was a gift of books for my son. As a book lover myself, the gift was much appreciated....
Why You Should Enthrone the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Your Home
One of the most inspiring reasons to practice a deep and personal devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is that it unites you to the "Heart of the Church."...
Meals from Our Moms
Mothers are Christ-like in that they lay down their lives for their children. Whether it is in the delivery room, the office, the kitchen, or many miles away interceding on...
Ways to Celebrate Mother's Day When Your Mom is Far Away
Since becoming a mother myself, Mother’s Day has become one of my favorite days. Not only because it’s a day that I feel honored and celebrated in my own vocation...
Giving Thanks and Letting Go
I stand at the kitchen island slicing tomatoes. The lettuce and onion are already on the tray. There are french fries baking in the oven and a pan of brownies...
Sex and the Catholic Feminist Review
Sex, Catholicism, and feminism. Do I have your attention? These words are spoken about more frequently these days, both online and in Catholic culture. You might not think that those...
Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Your Baby’s Baptism
It was October 22, 2016, the feast of our family patron Saint, Pope John Paul II. Two-and-a-half years earlier, in the same stone cathedral, our beloved Passionist priest looked at...