for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

All About Novenas - Blessed Is She

All About Novenas

A few months ago, my husband and I decided to start praying the St. Andrew Novena together. The novena begins on November 30th (St. Andrew’s feast day) and ends on...
The Feast of St. Peter's Chair - Blessed Is She

The Feast of St. Peter's Chair

Several years ago, as an eager Confirmation student, I remember paging through The Book of Saints. I attempted to get a snapshot of several Saints to help me determine who...
Finding a Great Catholic Bible Study - Blessed Is She

Finding a Great Catholic Bible Study

You know the stereotype: Catholics don't know the Bible. Unfortunately, I perpetuated that stereotype in my own life until my early 20s. I grew up Catholic and understood the Sacraments,...
Living Our Baptismal Identity and the Universal Call to Holiness - Blessed Is She

Living Our Baptismal Identity and the Universal Call to Holiness

When St. John the Baptist baptized his cousin in the Jordan River, the heavens opened above Jesus and God the Father proclaimed, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I...
The Catholic All Year Compendium Review - Blessed Is She

The Catholic All Year Compendium Review

The phrase “liturgically correct” is one of my favorites in the English language. I like how it looks, how it sounds, and what it means; that is, roughly, “in line...
Embracing the Cross: When NFP is a Struggle - Blessed Is She

Embracing the Cross: When NFP is a Struggle

The first brochures my then-fiance and I received pertaining to Natural Family Planning featured images of couples holding hands, embracing, and walking through a field of sunflowers, looking simply joyful....
Books Written by Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Books Written by Blessed is She Team Members

Some of the women who write the daily devotions you find in your inbox every morning have also crafted books about everything from liturgical living to coping with anxiety from...
Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members

When it comes to planning an event, conference, or parish night for Catholic women, there are so many details to handle and decisions to make. At the top of that...
Why I Don't Use Contraception (and the Benefits of NFP) - Blessed Is She

Why I Don't Use Contraception (and the Benefits of NFP)

The Church teaches us how to be good, holy, and loving. She allows us to grow in our relationship with Christ and one another. As a part of this mission,...
The Importance of Praying for the Dead - Blessed Is She

The Importance of Praying for the Dead

It was a perfect day. Pleasantly warm. Bright sun. Subtle breeze. Funerals rarely end up on dreary, rainy days like they do in the movies. I walked toward the church,...
Remember Me: Celebrating the Day of the Dead - Blessed Is She

Remember Me: Celebrating the Day of the Dead

One of the seven Corporal Works of Mercy is to “bury the dead.” While this certainly means grieving alongside families who have lost loved ones, it also means continuing to...
The Grace of Enough - Blessed Is She

The Grace of Enough

We were supposed to graduate college, get good jobs with health benefits or go to graduate school, then get really good jobs, secure income, pay off debt, begin our 401K,...