for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

BIS Reads // Healed and Restored - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Healed and Restored

In the Gospels, we see that an integral part of Christ's mission on earth was healing. As He traveled from town to town preaching the coming Kingdom of God, He...
How to Host a Favorite Things Gift Exchange - Blessed Is She

How to Host a Favorite Things Gift Exchange

Gift giving is an important part of the Christmas season. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when the tradition of exchanging Christmas gifts began. But even on that first Christmas, wise...
To Relish in Routine - Blessed Is She

To Relish in Routine

Their voices enter my room and I become a part of their conversation. My bedroom wall separates us, but I can hear each voice clearly and in turn. First, Mariusz...
Childlessness, Pound Cake, + Mother Culture - Blessed Is She

Childlessness, Pound Cake, + Mother Culture

A few summers ago I was in my poetry residency for the week. The instructor gave our class a writing assignment: produce a poem about food. That night, I sat...
The 2022 Catholic Advent Devotional for Women - Blessed Is She

The 2022 Catholic Advent Devotional for Women

We know you're just starting to pour your PSLs and grab your flannel from the storage boxes, but can we direct your attention to the end of the year for...
Walking with Christ on Our Sea’s Swells and Shores - Blessed Is She

Walking with Christ on Our Sea’s Swells and Shores

I had just spent another night sleepily clutching my Bible when I woke up in a rush, unsure if it was the next day or just a few hours later....
Meet the Authors of "Loving God, Loving Others" - Blessed Is She

Meet the Authors of "Loving God, Loving Others"

It's called Loving God, Loving Others: 52 Devotions to Create Connections that Last. We are just thrilled by the stories in this book that walk through six different rungs of...
Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross + the Feminine Genius - Blessed Is She

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross + the Feminine Genius

As the process of selecting Confirmation Saints looms near at our house once again, I find myself doing a lot of name-dropping in case anyone is looking for inspiration related...
The Midlife Series // Prayers for the Season - Blessed Is She

The Midlife Series // Prayers for the Season

Welcome to our series on the beautiful midlife season! We will explore all the blessings, challenges, and changes that accompany this time in a woman's life, from the physical, to...
The Midlife Series // Navigating Perimenopause - Blessed Is She

The Midlife Series // Navigating Perimenopause

Welcome to our series on the beautiful midlife season! We will explore all the blessings, challenges, and changes that accompany this time in a woman's life, from the physical, to...
The Midlife Series // A Renaissance of the Self - Blessed Is She

The Midlife Series // A Renaissance of the Self

Welcome to our series on the beautiful midlife season! We will explore all the blessings, challenges, and changes that accompany this time in a woman's life, from the physical, to...
The Midlife Series // A Foot in Two Seasons - Blessed Is She

The Midlife Series // A Foot in Two Seasons

Welcome to our series on the beautiful midlife season! We will explore all the blessings, challenges, and changes that accompany this time in a woman's life, from the physical, to...