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It's Time to Bloom - Blessed Is She

It's Time to Bloom

My three year old bounds onto my bed, yelling loudly, “Mom! Can I cuddle you??” an inch from my face. I smile and nod. She slips under the covers and...
June 13, 2021
She's in the Business of Saving Lives - Blessed Is She

She's in the Business of Saving Lives

I remember the first time I helped save a patient’s life. Okay, maybe I’m being dramatic, maybe it wasn’t their life, but I remember the first time I helped a...
September 08, 2020
Giving From Your Deepest Place - Blessed Is She

Giving From Your Deepest Place

I am the rich man, having more than I could ever possibly need. What a help to the temple I am, because I have so much money, and I can...
November 27, 2017
Keeping My Eyes Closed - Blessed Is She

Keeping My Eyes Closed

In today’s Gospel when Jesus talks about hypocrites, He is referring to the self-righteous Pharisees and Sadducees of His day. I wonder if I would have been a Pharisee back...
June 21, 2017