welcome to blessed is she

The Goods

We love making prayerful products that bring joy to you and yours.

"Blessed is she who believed..."

Our founder, Jenna, named Blessed is She after Luke 1:45. The genuine joy of the Visitation continues to inspire our sisterhood to this day.

For years, we've been designing high-quality Catholic products with prayer and intention. We hope they encourage and equip you to pray deeply, love each other well, and awaken to the life He's given us.

Reading the Bible in 2024?

Meditations on Mark + Matthew

Seek His Kingdom and Listen to Him are our meditation bible studies on the Gospels to help you enter more deeply into Scripture in this new year.

"Do not miss this beautiful mediation on Matthew's Gospel. I have been looking for quality Catholic resources for Bible Study, and I found it! Please keep them coming, BIS!"

// Skye


Our hope is to help you grow in prayer AND community. That's why we have the Blessed is She Membership: a space to not only receive amazing discounts (think Amazon Prime, but better!), and four books per year, but also intentional online Small Groups and exclusive content just for you.

What does a Blessed is She Retreat look like?

Come join us to find out.