for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

A Great Light // The 2018 Advent Gathering - Blessed Is She

A Great Light // The 2018 Advent Gathering

Every year, in the midst of Advent, we as a sisterhood take pause for a one-day retreat together. Although we're scattered throughout the entire world, we carve out time in...
4 Ways to Find Leisure in an Over-Scheduled World - Blessed Is She

4 Ways to Find Leisure in an Over-Scheduled World

I don’t find it coincidental that today we find phrases like Breathe and Slow Down on the front of t-shirts, coffee mugs, and other assorted paraphernalia. Our societal “keep up...
Books Written by Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Books Written by Blessed is She Team Members

Some of the women who write the daily devotions you find in your inbox every morning have also crafted books about everything from liturgical living to coping with anxiety from...
Bearing Light Advent Journal // An Interview with the Designer - Blessed Is She

Bearing Light Advent Journal // An Interview with the Designer

Our social media feeds are lighting up with the sharing of this year's Advent Journal, Bearing Light. We've all been captivated by the beautiful cover design, which will compel us...
Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members

When it comes to planning an event, conference, or parish night for Catholic women, there are so many details to handle and decisions to make. At the top of that...
Why I Don't Use Contraception (and the Benefits of NFP) - Blessed Is She

Why I Don't Use Contraception (and the Benefits of NFP)

The Church teaches us how to be good, holy, and loving. She allows us to grow in our relationship with Christ and one another. As a part of this mission,...
An Open Letter to Moms at Mass with a Toddler - Blessed Is She

An Open Letter to Moms at Mass with a Toddler

Dear Fellow Mom, Our eyes meet across the church and we exchange soft smiles. This week, it is my toddler causing commotion, announcing his dissatisfaction with the fact that we...
Bearing Light Advent Journal // An Interview with the Editor - Blessed Is She

Bearing Light Advent Journal // An Interview with the Editor

As we prepare to celebrate Advent together as a sisterhood, we're deep diving into the creation of this year's Advent Journal called Bearing Light. We sat down with Blessed is...
How Edith Stein Helped Me to (Really) Know Myself - Blessed Is She

How Edith Stein Helped Me to (Really) Know Myself

Most of my Catholic friends have several saints with whom they consider to be close spiritual friends, mentors on their life journey. For me some of my favorites include: St....
The Grace of Enough - Blessed Is She

The Grace of Enough

We were supposed to graduate college, get good jobs with health benefits or go to graduate school, then get really good jobs, secure income, pay off debt, begin our 401K,...
Dissecting Our Emotions and Looking for the Truth - Blessed Is She

Dissecting Our Emotions and Looking for the Truth

In a reporting class I took in college, if a student’s article had any factual errors, the instructor automatically took 50 points off their grade. It didn’t matter how insignificant...
St. Teresa of Avila: Mystic & Reformer - Blessed Is She

St. Teresa of Avila: Mystic & Reformer

A mystic and reformer. St. Teresa of Avila’s heart, mind, and soul were absorbed in all that is Divine and she longed to be with her Spouse, Christ, in Heaven....