for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Dwell // A Study on the Eucharist for Women - Blessed Is She

Dwell // A Study on the Eucharist for Women

"I need Adoration." My friend's evening text put words to the longing on my own heart. In the midst of the shut downs, our usual Holy Hours were cancelled, and...
Saints Who Lived at the Same Time - Blessed Is She

Saints Who Lived at the Same Time

As a summer girl at heart, I do not need a lot of encouragement to celebrate. Hot days, stormy afternoons, fireworks, ice cream ... I am in! And, I am...
BIS Reads // The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion

Truthfully, I did not know much about the existence of the liturgical year until late high school/early college. Once I became aware of the rhythms of the Church year, the...
REMEMBER Series // Finding Friendships - Blessed Is She

REMEMBER Series // Finding Friendships

Welcome to our Remember series, where we pause to reflect on how God has proven faithful in the past so to help us place our trust in Him in the...
REMEMBER Series // Introduction - Blessed Is She

REMEMBER Series // Introduction

I am quick to forget. I can remember birthdays and appointments and my friends' favorite flowers and yet, for some reason, I struggle to remember how faithful God has been...
Looking to Start (or Re-Start) Your Prayer Life? - Blessed Is She

Looking to Start (or Re-Start) Your Prayer Life?

"Perhaps you hesitate in prayer because you do not know how to pray. Perhaps you question yourself because although you know numerous vocal prayers, you are not sure what lies...
A Brief Overview of the Various Rites Within the Catholic Church - Blessed Is She

A Brief Overview of the Various Rites Within the Catholic Church

When Catholics consider what distinguishes our Faith from Protestant and Evangelical denominations, we naturally think of the Mass. Catholics attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Other Christians do not....
Ideas for Participating in Lent - Blessed Is She

Ideas for Participating in Lent

Last Easter, I distinctly remember getting dumped with snow, spending a large part of the day online (whether Zoom or Mass), and scratching my head about what just happened to...
The Beauty + Significance of Icons in the Church - Blessed Is She

The Beauty + Significance of Icons in the Church

Imagine you are in a dark chapel. It is peaceful and you decide to stay and pray. You take a seat in front of the image of Mary and the...
Transformed By Light with Caravaggio - Blessed Is She

Transformed By Light with Caravaggio

One of my favorite memories of Rome was when I visited the Basilica of the Chair of St. Peter in 2018. This was my fourth time there. We were delegates...
Princess Saints - Blessed Is She

Princess Saints

From Cinderella to Sara Crewe, stories of princesses colored my childhood. I was enchanted by their sparkling tiaras and twirling gowns, fascinated by their adventures, and inspired by their examples...
Devotion to the Infant Jesus - Blessed Is She

Devotion to the Infant Jesus

I have vivid memories of our family gathering at my Abuela’s house to dress the Infant Jesus (Santo Niño). Everyone would gather around the Christmas tree to pray, sing hymns,...