for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Meeting at the Golden Gate // Saints Joachim and Anne - Blessed Is She

Meeting at the Golden Gate // Saints Joachim and Anne

Imagine having to learn Scripture, not through paging through the pages of your Bible, but by walking into your church and viewing its artwork. The Legend of St. Joachim, Meeting...
Saint Marguerite Bays // From Seamstress to “Godmother” - Blessed Is She

Saint Marguerite Bays // From Seamstress to “Godmother”

Marguerite Bays was born to a farming family in Switzerland in 1815, the second of seven children. She grew up helping her parents with household chores and gardening. In her...
On the Feast of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions - Blessed Is She

On the Feast of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions

Everyone loves the stories of the young hero/heroine. Our hearts swell along with the music when justice is done and good conquers evil. Really, we need these stories to remind...
Friendship on the Feast of the Visitation - Blessed Is She

Friendship on the Feast of the Visitation

We were on our usual weekend double date when Angie told us she was pregnant, her first. I was pregnant too, four months, my second. Our husbands beamed as we...
Pentecost: The Exclamation Point - Blessed Is She

Pentecost: The Exclamation Point

Recently my daughter and I attended a retreat for those preparing for Confirmation. In retreat fashion, the group was in the church basement acting out a skit from the scene...
The Complementary Intercession of Saint Joseph and the Blessed Mother - Blessed Is She

The Complementary Intercession of Saint Joseph and the Blessed Mother

The old adage states that “behind every strong man is a strong woman.” Secular culture has typically subscribed to the notion of the man being the one who takes action,...
Teaching Children About Courage with the Saints - Blessed Is She

Teaching Children About Courage with the Saints

When I was pregnant with my son, my first child, I stumbled upon a quote by C.S. Lewis: Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let...
A Brief Overview of the Various Rites Within the Catholic Church - Blessed Is She

A Brief Overview of the Various Rites Within the Catholic Church

When Catholics consider what distinguishes our Faith from Protestant and Evangelical denominations, we naturally think of the Mass. Catholics attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Other Christians do not....
Holy Saturday // Recollection, Silence, and Hope - Blessed Is She

Holy Saturday // Recollection, Silence, and Hope

Growing up, I treated Holy Saturday as an early start to Easter. It may not have been the actual celebration of Easter, but I breathed a sigh of relief for...
The Thin Place of Good Friday - Blessed Is She

The Thin Place of Good Friday

Today marks the darkest day of the Church year. It is the sobering remembrance of the Word Incarnate, crucified. Liturgically, it is the only day of the entire year that...
On the Feast of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton - Blessed Is She

On the Feast of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

By the time I was preparing for Confirmation, I was mucking stalls after school, attending horse camp in the summer, and "Cowboy Take Me Away" was basically the anthem I...
Celebrating the Epiphany of Our Lord - Blessed Is She

Celebrating the Epiphany of Our Lord

On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of...