for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

2023 Catholic Holiday Gift Guide | Catholic Women-Owned Businesses - Blessed Is She

2023 Catholic Holiday Gift Guide | Catholic Women-Owned Businesses

We know you have a lot on your plate this Thanksgiving week (literally and figuratively) and we wanted to make your Christmas shopping easier. After all, don't you want to...
Reclaiming Sabbath Rest - Blessed Is She

Reclaiming Sabbath Rest

 “rest” This word reverberated in my stomach and tied it in knots. I had come to the end of another week, exhausted, once again. Ministry work, household chores and school...
Jesus is the Fulfillment of the Love Languages - Blessed Is She

Jesus is the Fulfillment of the Love Languages

If you are anything like me, then you love love. You love any way you can express your feelings for the ones dearest to you. Your heart soars when you...
How to Make a Prayer Wall - Blessed Is She

How to Make a Prayer Wall

In a culture of selfies and social media posts, others-centeredness takes great intention and practice. When our children were younger, we had a more consistent family prayer routine. During this...
How to Live the Mass More Fully - Blessed Is She

How to Live the Mass More Fully

What if we could live the Mass as our highest prayer no matter the circumstance? The stress from work, the drama with friends, the exams nearing at school, the list...
Bagels and the Providence of God - Blessed Is She

Bagels and the Providence of God

Let me paint the scene: It was a girl’s day out, everyone was grabbing some lunch, and I was stuck in the ordering line having an existential crisis about whether...
To Relish in Routine - Blessed Is She

To Relish in Routine

Their voices enter my room and I become a part of their conversation. My bedroom wall separates us, but I can hear each voice clearly and in turn. First, Mariusz...
Am I at Rest? // An Inventory of Peace - Blessed Is She

Am I at Rest? // An Inventory of Peace

It can be an elusive chase. We shift schedules, we say "no," we set boundaries, we buy the next product that makes promises. We all long for peace, and we...
Single Ladies, Put Your Hands Up // Keeping Standards High While Dating - Blessed Is She

Single Ladies, Put Your Hands Up // Keeping Standards High While Dating

Recently I spoke with a young woman leaving for her freshman year of college. The subject of dating came up. I asked her what she was looking for in a...
Childlessness, Pound Cake, + Mother Culture - Blessed Is She

Childlessness, Pound Cake, + Mother Culture

A few summers ago I was in my poetry residency for the week. The instructor gave our class a writing assignment: produce a poem about food. That night, I sat...
My Foster Care Journey - Blessed Is She

My Foster Care Journey

“Think nothing else but that God ordains all, and where there is no love, put love, and you will draw out love.” This quote from Saint John of the Cross...
Praying Through Your Engagement - Blessed Is She

Praying Through Your Engagement

I couldn't believe it. Looking down at my shaking (and now sparkling!) left hand, then up at the face of my smiling best friend, I realized it really happened: I...