for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Weekly Wallpaper // 125 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 125

In you, Lord, I have found my peace. Such a beautiful truth we rest on... that in Him, we have found all our peace. Keep this reminder close to you...
Abundance + Gratitude - Blessed Is She

Abundance + Gratitude

O tender Father, You gave me more, much more, than I ever thought to ask for. Thank you, and again thank you, O Father, for having granted my requests, and...
Why and How to Host the BIS Advent Gathering - Blessed Is She

Why and How to Host the BIS Advent Gathering

I’m an introvert through and through, but I’m also created for fellowship and connection. In my adult years, this yearning in my heart for connection with other women has pushed...
Overcoming Doubt and Fear - Blessed Is She

Overcoming Doubt and Fear

When was the last time you doubted or feared anything? This morning? Yesterday? I doubt quite frequently. I never knew how much this weighed on my faith life until my...
How to Find a Patron Saint for Your Family - Blessed Is She

How to Find a Patron Saint for Your Family

"Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for us." My southern son stumbles over the Italian name in the adorable way only toddlers can as he concludes our nightly prayer. He may...
Weekly Wallpaper // 124 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 124

You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. // Matthew 22:37 Keep this reminder close to you by...
Sight + Truth - Blessed Is She

Sight + Truth

As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame; As tumbled over rim in roundy wells Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell's Bow swung finds tongue to fling...
What You've Been Asking For... (The First Ever Catholic Journaling Bible) - Blessed Is She

What You've Been Asking For... (The First Ever Catholic Journaling Bible)

For years women have asked us for a Catholic Journaling Bible. Years. There were Protestant journaling Bibles available, but a Catholic one? With all of our rich and beautiful books...
My Favorite Books about Saints - Blessed Is She

My Favorite Books about Saints

As we draw near to the Feast of All Saints, it is fitting to spend some time getting to know a little more about these heavenly friends of the Church...
Meeting Jesus at the Cross and Enduring in Love - Blessed Is She

Meeting Jesus at the Cross and Enduring in Love

Jesus does all things in love. This is something I have really begun to understand and embrace. I feel His love in my triumphs, in the gifts I am given,...
Weekly Wallpaper // 123 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 123

There is no other like our God. Let us rest in this promise, straight from the Lord. You can get this reminder for your phone and desktop by downloading the...
Peace + Tranquility - Blessed Is She

Peace + Tranquility

Consider the surface of a lake, above which the sun is shining. If the surface of the lake is peaceful and tranquil, the sun will be reflected in this lake;...