for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Steps to Take When Envy Rears Its Ugly Head - Blessed Is She

Steps to Take When Envy Rears Its Ugly Head

Envy has been popping up a lot in my life. I think this is partly because, as a new mother, it is so easy to compare myself to other mothers,...
How to Intentionally Use Social Media - Blessed Is She

How to Intentionally Use Social Media

Each of us have our favorite ways to connect on social media and create connection. There is a lot of good that can come from it. But let’s be honest...
The Patient Work of Healing - Blessed Is She

The Patient Work of Healing

Nearly nine months ago, I sprained my ankle. In a classic moment of a klutz kerfuffle, I was carrying the vacuum down the steps, tripped, and landed on an overextended,...
Give Chase to Chastity with the Help of St. Thomas Aquinas - Blessed Is She

Give Chase to Chastity with the Help of St. Thomas Aquinas

It’s important to start a piece on chastity by pointing out that sex is a very good thing. It’s mysterious, making a union of man and woman while also allowing...
Continue SEEKing the Lord After the SEEK Conference - Blessed Is She

Continue SEEKing the Lord After the SEEK Conference

Indianapolis was cold, am I right? I mean, this California girl had to wear a scarf for a legit reason…I was freezing! But what kept me warm was not the...
Weeding the Garden of My Soul - Blessed Is She

Weeding the Garden of My Soul

Last spring, my husband and I invested in a new backyard. Once a meadow of unruly weeds and improperly pruned trees, our yard was transformed into our personal paradise. It...
Let's Not Talk the Talk - Blessed Is She

Let's Not Talk the Talk

When I started out in the working world, my older sister gave me some advice about gossip. She said I should never say anything to anyone that I would not...
On Gratitude and Choosing Joy - Blessed Is She

On Gratitude and Choosing Joy

Thanksgiving seemingly always comes out of nowhere. Isn’t that the case every year? Suddenly it is that time of year in which we are running around, making plans, preparing good...
Worship as a Means to Acquiring Wisdom - Blessed Is She

Worship as a Means to Acquiring Wisdom

Last month, a line in a book I was reading caught my attention. The author was making the claim that true wisdom, Godly wisdom, can only be acquired through worship....
How the Fear of Hell Made Me Want to Be Holy - Blessed Is She

How the Fear of Hell Made Me Want to Be Holy

It constantly happens that the Lord permits a soul to fall so that it may grow humbler, when it is honest, and realizes what it has done, and returns, it...
Think on These Things - Blessed Is She

Think on These Things

It is so easy to get dragged down in the negativity of a situation. The devil often tries to use something unexpected or challenging to lead us to despair. This...
Failing with Grace, Over and Over - Blessed Is She

Failing with Grace, Over and Over

Our two-and-a-half-year-old son Oscar can’t walk. He can’t talk. He has intractable epilepsy, a slippery demon that rears its head again and again. Often just when we think we finally...