for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

St. Teresa of Avila: Mystic & Reformer - Blessed Is She

St. Teresa of Avila: Mystic & Reformer

A mystic and reformer. St. Teresa of Avila’s heart, mind, and soul were absorbed in all that is Divine and she longed to be with her Spouse, Christ, in Heaven....
How the Fear of Hell Made Me Want to Be Holy - Blessed Is She

How the Fear of Hell Made Me Want to Be Holy

It constantly happens that the Lord permits a soul to fall so that it may grow humbler, when it is honest, and realizes what it has done, and returns, it...
What St. Maximilian Kolbe Taught Me About Forgiveness - Blessed Is She

What St. Maximilian Kolbe Taught Me About Forgiveness

I am sure many of you have special relationships with different saints for a variety of reasons. Maybe you feel they are a spiritual big brother or sister, or perhaps...
I Couldn't Relate to Our Lady Until I Discovered This - Blessed Is She

I Couldn't Relate to Our Lady Until I Discovered This

Growing up Catholic, I've always been familiar and comfortable with the Blessed Virgin Mary. I understood and affirmed her role within the life of Christ and the life of the...
9 Tips + Resources for Discerning Religious Life - Blessed Is She

9 Tips + Resources for Discerning Religious Life

No matter what stage of life you are in, it is important for every woman in the Church to know some practical tools for vocational discernment. The Latin word vocare...
Our Lady of Mount Carmel - Blessed Is She

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Today we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Maybe you have read about Mount Carmel in the Old Testament or have a devotion to St. Therese of...
A Review of Women in the Church - Blessed Is She

A Review of Women in the Church

My friend and I chatted over chips and salsa and margaritas. She sighed and confided, "I just wish I had a better understanding of my place in the Church, as...
Pentecost and the Mother of the Church - Blessed Is She

Pentecost and the Mother of the Church

The past two years, I’ve prepared my 8th grade students for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our diocese always schedules this as close to Pentecost as possible. Working with my students,...
What is an Indulgence? - Blessed Is She

What is an Indulgence?

The word “indulgence” always made me feel a little uncomfortable. Growing up Catholic, I knew it was something Martin Luther got upset about when he separated himself from Catholicism back...
What is Marian Consecration? - Blessed Is She

What is Marian Consecration?

As Catholics, we have an incredibly rich spiritual buffet presented to us. Holy Mother Church offers prayers, devotions, liturgies, and traditions that speak to every personality and life stage of...
5 Things Catholics Need to Know About Annulments (From a Canon Lawyer) - Blessed Is She

5 Things Catholics Need to Know About Annulments (From a Canon Lawyer)

Annulments can be misunderstood. Even by well-formed Catholics. Believe it or not, I made it to the end of my undergraduate studies without ever having heard a comprehendible explanation of...
Making Holy Week New - Blessed Is She

Making Holy Week New

Tomorrow, we enter into the holiest week of the Church’s year. If you experienced God’s love and mercy in a new and powerful way this Lent, Holy Week may be...