for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Taking the Pen - Blessed Is She

Taking the Pen

…all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. // Psalm 139:16 God is the ultimate Author—the most romantic and creative....
The True Christmas Presence // A Poem - Blessed Is She

The True Christmas Presence // A Poem

It’s so easy to become wrapped up in shopping for the perfect Christmas presents. In our attempts to beat the crowd and to ensure everyone on our list is gifted...
Need an Advent Penance? Meet the Ember Days. - Blessed Is She

Need an Advent Penance? Meet the Ember Days.

The beloved hymn, Joy to the World, invites the world to “receive her King” on Christmas Day. In order to receive Him, the song implies that our hearts must first...
Leave It All Behind // A Poem on Putting Prayer First - Blessed Is She

Leave It All Behind // A Poem on Putting Prayer First

A couple of nights ago, my husband was bringing the kids up to bed. I was slowly and tiredly bringing up the rear. I also couldn’t help but notice everything...
Saint Andrew's Town by the Sea - Blessed Is She

Saint Andrew's Town by the Sea

If there are any avid golfers in your life, you may have heard of the seaside town of St. Andrews on the coast of Scotland. Did you know that this...
BIS Reads // The Night the Saints Saved Christmas - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // The Night the Saints Saved Christmas

Advent and Christmas are my favorite seasons for children's picture books. There's nothing so cozy as bundling under a blanket with my brood and breaking open a beloved book. This...
Saint Quotes for Broken Families - Blessed Is She

Saint Quotes for Broken Families

This time of year often stirs up a variety of feelings about family depending on your family situation. We live in a broken world and sometimes the most broken people...
My Friendship with Blessed Miguel Pro - Blessed Is She

My Friendship with Blessed Miguel Pro

Blessed Miguel Pro is … overwhelming. There was a time in my life where he seemed to be everyone’s favorite Saint, except mine. I did all the things so he...
Blessed Victoire + Surprise Saintly Friendships - Blessed Is She

Blessed Victoire + Surprise Saintly Friendships

I peered across the playground, shielding my eyes from the blazing Arizona sun. Laughter emerged from a group of children as they ran playfully through the warm sand. Sweat trickled...
Hey Kids, Go Watch Juice Box! - Blessed Is She

Hey Kids, Go Watch Juice Box!

"Hey Mom, can we watch a show?" I quickly scanned the house and zipped through my mental checklist. Schoolwork and chores were finished, they had played outside for several hours,...
Saint Quotes When You Need Rest - Blessed Is She

Saint Quotes When You Need Rest

Is there anything I can say at this time of year that isn’t cliché when it comes to the passing of time or the general sense or urgency where we...
The Ways of the Word - Blessed Is She

The Ways of the Word

This morning, Father approached the ambo, offered the customary greeting and announcement, and began to read the assigned Gospel passage from Mark. As I stood listening, it struck me: “I...