for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

4 Lessons We Can Learn From the Life of Saint Catherine of Siena - Blessed Is She

4 Lessons We Can Learn From the Life of Saint Catherine of Siena

I was named after two extraordinary women: my aunt Janet and Saint Catherine of Siena. I know my aunt to be a devoted wife, talented chef and seamstress, and someone...
Finding Gratitude In The Valley - Blessed Is She

Finding Gratitude In The Valley

This Thanksgiving, there will be one less person around our dinner table. My husband's father—my children's grandfather—passed away this year on Father's Day. We have already experienced "firsts" without him....
BiS Reads // Finding Peace in the Storm - Blessed Is She

BiS Reads // Finding Peace in the Storm

The storms of life rise and fall, ebb and flow. Some we see brewing on the horizon, while some come all too unexpectedly. When we find ourselves in the midst...
Our Lady of Sorrows, Cause of Our Joy - Blessed Is She

Our Lady of Sorrows, Cause of Our Joy

“Do not leave the altar without first shedding tears of sorrow and love for Jesus, crucified for your eternal salvation. Our Lady of Sorrows will keep you company and inspire...
Bible Verses To Pray In the Summer - Blessed Is She

Bible Verses To Pray In the Summer

The flowers appear on the earth, the time of pruning the vines has come, and the song of the turtledove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth...
3 Ways to Cultivate Devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus - Blessed Is She

3 Ways to Cultivate Devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus

In the 2004 movie The Passion of the Christ, there is a poignant scene after the brutal scourging at the pillar. Jesus’ bloody Body is dragged away from the pillar,...
BiS Reads // God's Plan For Your Marriage - Blessed Is She

BiS Reads // God's Plan For Your Marriage

In the early 1980s, Pope Saint John Paul II recognized rising problems within marriage and family life. He appointed Cardinal Carlo Caffarra to head a new Institute for Studies on...
Liturgical Living During the Time After Pentecost - Blessed Is She

Liturgical Living During the Time After Pentecost

“And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire,...
Bible Verses About Waiting - Blessed Is She

Bible Verses About Waiting

Have you been waiting for God to answer questions about your vocation or career? Have you applied for a big college scholarship and are trying hard to entrust the unknown...
7 Lessons I’ve Learned in Marriage - Blessed Is She

7 Lessons I’ve Learned in Marriage

Recently, I had the joyful opportunity of attending the wedding Mass of my son’s teacher and her (now) husband. It had been a long time since I attended a Nuptial...
Living Simply in the New Year - Blessed Is She

Living Simply in the New Year

The decorations are still up. And the carols are still playing in the background. It’s still Christmas, after all. But the explosion of wrapping paper and empty boxes has been...
How to Host a Favorite Things Gift Exchange - Blessed Is She

How to Host a Favorite Things Gift Exchange

Gift giving is an important part of the Christmas season. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when the tradition of exchanging Christmas gifts began. But even on that first Christmas, wise...