for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Can Catholics Believe in Santa Claus? - Blessed Is She

Can Catholics Believe in Santa Claus?

Every year, we are bound to witness heated discussions about the relevance of Santa Claus within our Catholic circles. Good Catholics exist on both sides of the debate: Is it...
Christmas Cards: Who, What, When, and Why? - Blessed Is She

Christmas Cards: Who, What, When, and Why?

Ah, Christmas! The season when we actually look forward to mail. Well, that is until the credit card bills start pouring in. Envelopes that don’t resemble statements arrive alongside catalogs...
When the Holidays Make Your Grief Bigger - Blessed Is She

When the Holidays Make Your Grief Bigger

Everyone has a story. When I meet people for the first time and express genuine interest in their lives, many respond dismissively. “Oh, my life isn’t that exciting. It’s pretty...
Songs of the Season: Advent Music vs. Christmas Music - Blessed Is She

Songs of the Season: Advent Music vs. Christmas Music

Welcome to Advent, sisters! Isn’t it wonderful that the time has come to prepare for Christ’s birth yet again? What an absolute joy and gift! Yesterday at Mass, you saw...
7 Ways to Gift Differently with Meaningful and Minimalist Gift Giving - Blessed Is She

7 Ways to Gift Differently with Meaningful and Minimalist Gift Giving

Have you had this conversation in your head, too? It goes something like this: “This is all just too much. You’ve spoiled me. I forgot so-and-so! There are simply too...
Advent and Christmas Books for Children - Blessed Is She

Advent and Christmas Books for Children

Sitting down with my children and opening one of our treasured Advent and Christmas picture books has become a dear part of our seasonal family traditions. There is something magical...
Tips for Coming Home from College - Blessed Is She

Tips for Coming Home from College

Finals are over! You can smell the home cooking over the dirty laundry in your luggage awaiting a quarter-less washing machine at home. Your bed—not the dorm bed you have...
How to Deal with Difficult Family Members During the Holidays - Blessed Is She

How to Deal with Difficult Family Members During the Holidays

The holiday season is my favorite time of year. I remember childhood memories of our favorite family traditions—everything from camping out watching holiday movies in the living room to baking...
Not the Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Loneliness and Loss During the Holidays - Blessed Is She

Not the Most Wonderful Time of the Year: Loneliness and Loss During the Holidays

Let’s be honest here. The holidays can be hard. Sometimes Christmas is really not "the most wonderful time of the year.” In fact, this season can be a very painful...
Entertaining Angels: Christian Hospitality at Christmas - Blessed Is She

Entertaining Angels: Christian Hospitality at Christmas

Let me tell you a little story. Maybe you’ve heard it before, but stick with me. There once was a lovely couple expecting a baby. For reasons beyond their control,...
Fa La La La Films: 10 Merry Movies - Blessed Is She

Fa La La La Films: 10 Merry Movies

Fuzzy blankets, hot chocolate, falling snow, and merry movies. To me, this is an ideal way to spend a December evening while snuggling with my cuddle bugs that disguise themselves...
Home for Christmas: Reaching Out to College Students During Holiday Break - Blessed Is She

Home for Christmas: Reaching Out to College Students During Holiday Break

Having a break is absolutely wonderful and completely necessary. We tend to be very busy people, constantly filling our schedule with things to do, ways to make money, people to...