Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 24
The Corporal Works of Mercy can feel intimidating, but they don't have to be. Reflect today on how simple acts can be acts of mercy. Feed the hungry: make a...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 23
I just want to check in... How are you feeling? How are you doing? I am praying for you. What are your intentions? Comment below with your thoughts: How has...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 22
St. Paul's command to pray without ceasing has always terrified me. How could I possibly do that and continue to live my life out here in the world? A few...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 21
While writing yesterday's prayer pledge post, I kept thinking of one of my favorite quotations from Thomas Merton. And today, I want to leave it with you. (I've bolded some...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 20
I'm traveling today, which always has the same effect on my prayer life. In airports bustling with people I've never met, on trains full of strangers, on the highway watching...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 19
Another of the blog posts shared last year was Patty Hubbard's reflection on Ignatian spirituality. One of Patty's thoughts has stuck with me all year: "So the answer? The power...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 18
Last year during the Prayer Pledge, many BIS writers shared personal stories of their own prayer life. Colleen Mitchell wrote a moving reflection about her relationship with Franciscan spirituality. One...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 17
Something about the New Year always gets me feeling like I need to be a new me with new stuff. My wish list grows and grows -- new workout clothes...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 16
As we move into the second half of January, we have the opportunity to refocus and recenter in prayer. St. Francis De Sales said, "Have patience with all things, But,...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 15
It's Sunday. The Sabbath. The day of rest. Finding rest, true rest, can be tough. Sure, I sleep every night, but do I make space to let myself rest in...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 14
At every Mass, we hear the intentions of our community and pray together for them. Today, take the time to pray for the intentions of our Blessed Is She community....
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 13
It's been a long week here. The first full week back at work and school for me, and I'm toast. My word for 2017 is silence, and I lacked it....