for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Marian Apparitions from Around the World - Blessed Is She

Marian Apparitions from Around the World

While hanging on the Cross and obtaining our salvation, our gracious Lord made the effort to turn our attention toward His Mother. In addition, He instructed her to behold His...
The Thing that Happened in Between - Blessed Is She

The Thing that Happened in Between

“I was one way … and now I am completely different. And the thing that happened in between … was Him.” These are my favorite lines from Season 1 of...
The Three Responses to Sin - Blessed Is She

The Three Responses to Sin

Over a decade ago I heard Mother Angelica make the following analogy in regards to sin and holiness. This audacious Carmelite likened sin to a mud puddle into which no...
REMEMBER Series // Calling Through Confession - Blessed Is She

REMEMBER Series // Calling Through Confession

Welcome to our Remember series, where we pause to reflect on how God has proven faithful in the past so to help us place our trust in Him in the...
The Return of the Prodigal Son // Nouwen’s Conversion Through Art - Blessed Is She

The Return of the Prodigal Son // Nouwen’s Conversion Through Art

Many of us are familiar with the story of The Prodigal Son. In fact, sometimes when people bring up the story of the Prodigal Son I find myself tempted to...
The Day I Let Christ Into My Bedroom - Blessed Is She

The Day I Let Christ Into My Bedroom

When I was a little girl, my godmother was divorced from her abusive husband and could not remarry in the Church without an annulment (which she refused to try to...
Resources for Pornography Addiction - Blessed Is She

Resources for Pornography Addiction

Our culture is saturated with porn. Most of us have either suffered from addiction to porn or know someone who does (even if we aren't aware of it). Pornography is...
The Restore Retreat Can Change Your Life - Blessed Is She

The Restore Retreat Can Change Your Life

You empty yourself for others on a regular basis. You crave intimacy with Jesus. You long for community with other Catholic women. You want to be still for a moment....
Dating and Pornography Addiction - Blessed Is She

Dating and Pornography Addiction

One of the most blatant, destructive, and obvious evils attacking relationships today is pornography. In the United States alone, over 40 million people are sexually involved with the internet, meaning...
First Reconciliation (a Poem) - Blessed Is She

First Reconciliation (a Poem)

An Act of Contrition With a cynical heart, I stand obediently in church, Holding my young son’s hand, In line with other adults whose hearts May or may not be...
Spring Cleaning Your Soul - Blessed Is She

Spring Cleaning Your Soul

I absolutely love spring. The last of the dirty snow piles melt away, the ice thaws, the gray skies slowly shift back to sunshine. Fresh breezes flow through open windows....
The Need for Personal Retreats - Blessed Is She

The Need for Personal Retreats

Each week, I fill my car with gas. I refuel my body with food and sleep. I charge my cell phone every night. But my spiritual life? How often do...