for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Extraordinary Women: St. Theresa of Avila - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: St. Theresa of Avila

St. Theresa of Avila famously said, “From silly devotions and sour-faced saints, good Lord, deliver us!” and “A sad nun is a bad nun!” Like Pope Francis today, she knew...
Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood - Blessed Is She

Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood

Let’s get to know each other a bit more, as sisters in Christ. Feel free to share your answers to these questions in on our Instagram post and/or your own...
Weekly Wallpaper // 73 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 73

Another simple beauty from Tara of Frameworthy Designs. "Seek what is above." All too often I am seeking worldly success and pleasure. But we are reminded today to just seek...
Extraordinary Women: The Women in Our Lives - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: The Women in Our Lives

Lately, I’ve been fixating on a phrase: perfectly imperfect. As someone with a type B personality, I suppose this confirms for me that I do not need to be perfect....
Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood - Blessed Is She

Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood

Let’s get to know each other a bit more, as sisters in Christ. Feel free to share your answers to these questions in on our Instagram post and/or your own...
Extraordinary Women: St. Catherine of Siena - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: St. Catherine of Siena

When I was in eighth grade, my mom told me, “You don’t choose your confirmation saint—it chooses you.” I waved her advice off like any fourteen-year-old, and had my heart...
Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood - Blessed Is She

Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood

Let’s get to know each other a bit more, as sisters in Christ. Feel free to share your answers to these questions in on our Instagram post and/or your own...
Weekly Wallpaper // 71 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 71

I think for many of us, worry and anxiety infiltrate our lives. We worry about our children or the paper that is due next week. We worry about all the...
Extraordinary Women: St. Gianna - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: St. Gianna

St. Gianna Beretta Molla is my homegirl. As a woman quickly approaching her late 20s who is Catholic, called to marriage, and gasp! still single, I find the fact that...
Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood - Blessed Is She

Sisters Speak in the #BISsisterhood

Let’s get to know each other a bit more, as sisters in Christ. Feel free to share your answers to these questions in on our Instagram post and/or your own...
Weekly Wallpaper // 70 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 70

In today's gospel, a scholar asks how to gain eternal life. Jesus turns the question back to him, asking what the law says. The scholar replies, ""You shall love the...
Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time: Blessed Is She Community - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women for Ordinary Time: Blessed Is She Community

We are so happy to have you here. In our Facebook groups and Twitter chats. At Blessed Brunches and the Beauty From Ashes Retreat. No matter where we come together,...