for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

A Day in the Life of a Sister of Life - Blessed Is She

A Day in the Life of a Sister of Life

As I approached the steps of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, I saw white and blue fabric billowing in the wind, fabric from the habits of the Sisters...
The True Christmas Presence // A Poem - Blessed Is She

The True Christmas Presence // A Poem

It’s so easy to become wrapped up in shopping for the perfect Christmas presents. In our attempts to beat the crowd and to ensure everyone on our list is gifted...
BIS Reviews // Call the Midwife - Blessed Is She

BIS Reviews // Call the Midwife

I joined the party almost a decade late, but Call the Midwife is a BBC TV Series that you can begin now without feeling behind. The show is based on...
Our Lady of Guadalupe's Miraculous Tilma - Blessed Is She

Our Lady of Guadalupe's Miraculous Tilma

"Sister. That was a mic-drop class." That's about as high of a compliment as it gets from middle schoolers. It was the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and we...
Slow Down, Make the Connection - Blessed Is She

Slow Down, Make the Connection

This time of year stirs our hearts to be generous in how we give and to whom we give, but there is another facet of this desire to be charitable...
Committing to Minimalism During A Consumer Month - Blessed Is She

Committing to Minimalism During A Consumer Month

Warning: This post contains unseasonable encouragement to step back from purchasing during this highly-consuming month. Permission to Make a Switch Perhaps I have given myself particular permission to do less...
Who's at Your Thanksgiving Table this Year? - Blessed Is She

Who's at Your Thanksgiving Table this Year?

We are moved to give during the Christmas season and may restrain from going overboard on the Christmas gifts because of our awareness of others going without. Our culture emphasizes...
Hey Kids, Go Watch Juice Box! - Blessed Is She

Hey Kids, Go Watch Juice Box!

"Hey Mom, can we watch a show?" I quickly scanned the house and zipped through my mental checklist. Schoolwork and chores were finished, they had played outside for several hours,...
You're Thinking About Getting the BIS Advent Devotional, But... - Blessed Is She

You're Thinking About Getting the BIS Advent Devotional, But...

Now that November has arrived, our attention turns to the approaching holidays. We began to make lists and plans, bake treats and ideas for gatherings, and renew our commitment to...
What to Do When You Struggle to Forgive - Blessed Is She

What to Do When You Struggle to Forgive

"Forgiveness is letting the prisoner go free, only to know the prisoner is me" is an adage that could not be truer in Corrie ten Boom’s life. In her book,...
BIS Reads // Letters to Myself from the End of the World - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Letters to Myself from the End of the World

In 2017, Emily Stimpson Chapman began writing a book about her home renovation. Except another project came up, and then another. Then 2020 happened. Chapman found herself locked down with...
How to Restart Your Small Group - Blessed Is She

How to Restart Your Small Group

We all long for community. That's one of the reasons this ministry exists: we know we are made for community. In my personal spiritual life, I have been most encouraged...