for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Giving Alms by Shopping Ethically - Blessed Is She

Giving Alms by Shopping Ethically

Almsgiving is one of the most prominent aspects of our Faith’s Lenten practice. We all know that Lent is a time to give more than our norm, and I think...
Maturing in Faith: Childish vs. Childlike Faith - Blessed Is She

Maturing in Faith: Childish vs. Childlike Faith

I frequently contemplate the gift of genuine faith, and how it is the foundation of our lives. Yet, so many things yield to mold our faith. For example, different virtues...
When Did I Get to Be Middle-Aged? - Blessed Is She

When Did I Get to Be Middle-Aged?

It happens at odd times. I’ll look in the car mirror and discover that a few of the hairs above my ear have turned white. Or I’ll do the math...
Using Social Media to Support Your Faith - Blessed Is She

Using Social Media to Support Your Faith

It's that time of year when everyone is setting resolutions and goals. For many Blessed is She readers, the top items on your list probably have to do with strengthen...
A Gentle Force: Lessons from Christ as the Lion and the Lamb - Blessed Is She

A Gentle Force: Lessons from Christ as the Lion and the Lamb

Sometimes it seems to me that there are two Jesuses depicted in the Gospels: gentle, meek Jesus and passionate, hard-truths Jesus. Gentle Jesus endured indignities, sacrificing His own rights, while...
Meeting Jesus at the Cross and Enduring in Love - Blessed Is She

Meeting Jesus at the Cross and Enduring in Love

Jesus does all things in love. This is something I have really begun to understand and embrace. I feel His love in my triumphs, in the gifts I am given,...
Be Not Afraid: JPII and Me - Blessed Is She

Be Not Afraid: JPII and Me

Do you feel like there is a saint in the Church who just "gets" you? Maybe it's your confirmation saint or a saint you discovered while going through a particular...
Sweet and Sour Chicken Confessions - Blessed Is She

Sweet and Sour Chicken Confessions

My affection for sweet and sour chicken did not begin until a few years ago. In simpler times, I preferred macaroni and cheese, chicken tenders, and the occasional peanut butter...
6 Ways to Endure and Offer the Sufferings of Motherhood - Blessed Is She

6 Ways to Endure and Offer the Sufferings of Motherhood

My calf began to cramp as I bounced my leg up and down, attempting to nurse my 9 month old to sleep on my lap in a too-small plane seat....
Divine Mercy Taught Me How to Forgive - Blessed Is She

Divine Mercy Taught Me How to Forgive

One of the things that has always most struck me about Christianity is how often there are very simple, yet powerful truths I can so easily overlook or avoid. You...
The Glory of the Bells - Blessed Is She

The Glory of the Bells

We sat in complete darkness listening to the Old Testament readings, one after another revealing the prophecy of the Messiah. My husband stood, flashlight in hand, and walked up to...
Holding Grace - Blessed Is She

Holding Grace

I'm not marching today. The big boys will go off, bundled against the cold. But I will stay home with the wee ones and read stories and sip hot chocolate....