for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Extraordinary Women: St. Theresa of Avila - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: St. Theresa of Avila

St. Theresa of Avila famously said, “From silly devotions and sour-faced saints, good Lord, deliver us!” and “A sad nun is a bad nun!” Like Pope Francis today, she knew...
Extraordinary Women: The Women in Our Lives - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: The Women in Our Lives

Lately, I’ve been fixating on a phrase: perfectly imperfect. As someone with a type B personality, I suppose this confirms for me that I do not need to be perfect....
Extraordinary Women: St. Catherine of Siena - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: St. Catherine of Siena

When I was in eighth grade, my mom told me, “You don’t choose your confirmation saint—it chooses you.” I waved her advice off like any fourteen-year-old, and had my heart...
Extraordinary Women: St. Gianna - Blessed Is She

Extraordinary Women: St. Gianna

St. Gianna Beretta Molla is my homegirl. As a woman quickly approaching her late 20s who is Catholic, called to marriage, and gasp! still single, I find the fact that...
Good Friday // Feel the Nails - Blessed Is She

Good Friday // Feel the Nails

Good Friday…the day that started it all…our salvation and our great hope that one day we will be with Christ again in Heaven. How odd is it that every Good...
Holy Thursday // Lead Me To The Cross - Blessed Is She

Holy Thursday // Lead Me To The Cross

He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, "Master, are you going to wash my feet?" Jesus answered and said to him, "What I am doing, you do not...
Holy Week // Honoring the Liturgy - Blessed Is She

Holy Week // Honoring the Liturgy

Once upon a time, I planned ahead and decorated so nicely for changes in seasons. Now, it feels more like a scramble, but even now as we are in Holy...
Holy Week // The Beginning - Blessed Is She

Holy Week // The Beginning

As I sit here tonight thinking over the past few weeks of Lent, it's the first time I've ever wondered where it went. When Easter is so early in the...
#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 4 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 4

We offer a place to come together as a community and document how this Lent is going. Every week, we will open up a link-up for your blog posts, your...
The Overflowing Joy of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati - Blessed Is She

The Overflowing Joy of Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

Jesus does not seek only to satisfy us; He wants to fill us to overflowing. He wants His Fullness, the company of the Holy Trinity, to dwell in you. This...
#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 3 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 3

Every week, we will open up a link-up for your blog posts, your instagram posts, your thoughts to share with each other as sisters. We will offer a prompt that...
#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 2 - Blessed Is She

#BISLent // Weekly Lenten Link-Up 2

On this second Sunday of Lent, we want to offer a place to come together as a community and document how this Lent is going. Every week, we will open...