for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

What It’s Like Having a Sibling with Down Syndrome - Blessed Is She

What It’s Like Having a Sibling with Down Syndrome

Not so long ago, I received an out-of-the-blue text from an old college friend asking if I was available for a phone call. Our lives had overlapped heavily during our...
Why I Still Have Facebook - Blessed Is She

Why I Still Have Facebook

I am a repeat Facebook deleter. Since I was allowed to have my first Facebook account as a teenager, I have deleted it multiple times. Now, there are days that...
5 Ways to Renew Your Prayer Life This Fall - Blessed Is She

5 Ways to Renew Your Prayer Life This Fall

As summer slips away and we get ready to step into autumn, we notice a shift taking place all around us. School has begun for students of all ages. Relaxed...
Saint Teresa of Calcutta // A Saint in the Darkness - Blessed Is She

Saint Teresa of Calcutta // A Saint in the Darkness

In Something Beautiful for God, the British Journalist Malcolm Muggeridge wrote about an exhilarating experience while filming a documentary on Mother Teresa in 1967. The film crew had arrived at...
Scripture Verses about the Attributes of God - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses about the Attributes of God

Jesus told us that He would send the Holy Spirit to remind us of all He said to us (see John 14:26). The Holy Spirit was sent to remind us....
Saints Who Went to College - Blessed Is She

Saints Who Went to College

The Catholic Church highly values education. In fact, it was the efforts of Christians and professed religious throughout history who made major advances in the fields of mathematics, science, and...
The Midlife Series // Navigating Perimenopause - Blessed Is She

The Midlife Series // Navigating Perimenopause

Welcome to our series on the beautiful midlife season! We will explore all the blessings, challenges, and changes that accompany this time in a woman's life, from the physical, to...
The Midlife Series // A Renaissance of the Self - Blessed Is She

The Midlife Series // A Renaissance of the Self

Welcome to our series on the beautiful midlife season! We will explore all the blessings, challenges, and changes that accompany this time in a woman's life, from the physical, to...
The Midlife Series // So Much More than a Crisis - Blessed Is She

The Midlife Series // So Much More than a Crisis

Welcome to our series on the beautiful midlife season! We will explore all the blessings, challenges, and changes that accompany this time in a woman's life, from the physical, to...
Silent Graces // A Poem - Blessed Is She

Silent Graces // A Poem

So often am I faced with silence when I ask God for help with whatever conundrum I face that day. At the end of the day, I feel like I’m...
Clever Catholic Names for Pets - Blessed Is She

Clever Catholic Names for Pets

After the creation of the world, God gave to Adam the notable task of naming the animals. Typically, the right of naming is reserved for the creator of said thing,...
The Virtue of Patriotism: Are We in the Arena? - Blessed Is She

The Virtue of Patriotism: Are We in the Arena?

I am in second grade. I breathe in the crisp, fall air and recite the Pledge of Allegiance with my classmates: " nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice...