for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

The Antidote to Your Perfectionism: Mary, Your Mother

The Antidote to Your Perfectionism: Mary, Your Mother

For some of us, it is difficult to go to Mary, knowing full well that we can't live up to her. After all, she is perfect, she is sinless, she...
A Study on the Virtues of Mary

A Study on the Virtues of Mary

The start of my devotion to the Blessed Mother Several Mays of my childhood my mother set up a little prayer table with a statue of the Blessed Mother and a...
Practical Decoration Ideas for a Prayer Room at Home - Blessed Is She

Practical Decoration Ideas for a Prayer Room at Home

Anywhere can be a place of prayer. We can have a solemn and meaningful time with God wherever we may be. It need not be an elaborate space, as long...
Scripture Verses to Pray During Times of Quarantine - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses to Pray During Times of Quarantine

Three weeks ago, life felt normal. We went to work and school. We were in usual routines of running errands, cooking meals, praying with our Lenten devotional, and meeting friends...
Ideas for Displaying Palm Sunday Palms Around Your Home - Blessed Is She

Ideas for Displaying Palm Sunday Palms Around Your Home

Sisters, please tell me I am not the only one who has, admittedly more than once in my life, lost a palm from Palm Sunday. Some time in between folding...