for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

The Antidote to Your Perfectionism: Mary, Your Mother - Blessed Is She

The Antidote to Your Perfectionism: Mary, Your Mother

For some of us, it is difficult to go to Mary, knowing full well that we can't live up to her. After all, she is perfect, she is sinless, she...
A Study on the Virtues of Mary - Blessed Is She

A Study on the Virtues of Mary

The start of my devotion to the Blessed Mother Several Mays of my childhood my mother set up a little prayer table with a statue of the Blessed Mother and a...
Our Lady of Guadalupe and How She Adopted Our Family - Blessed Is She

Our Lady of Guadalupe and How She Adopted Our Family

December 12th is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and it is a very special day in our home. This feast day is significant to many throughout the...
The Holy Name of Mary - Blessed Is She

The Holy Name of Mary

I always had a problem with my name growing up. I wondered why my parents didn’t give me an easy-to-pronounce name. Rocio, although beautiful when pronounced rightly in Spanish, felt...
Flos Carmeli - Blessed Is She

Flos Carmeli

Flos Carmeli is Latin for “Flower of Carmel.” As a child, I was under the impression that Our Lady of Mount Carmel was actually pronounced "car-a-mel." It made sense to...
Rosary Ciabatta Bread Recipe - Blessed Is She

Rosary Ciabatta Bread Recipe

Ciabatta bread, fresh from the oven, is one of my family’s favorite foods. It transforms an average meal into a feast, especially when served with a small plate of olive...
Marian Apparitions from Around the World - Blessed Is She

Marian Apparitions from Around the World

While hanging on the Cross and obtaining our salvation, our gracious Lord made the effort to turn our attention toward His Mother. In addition, He instructed her to behold His...
Behold // The Feast of the Annunciation - Blessed Is She

Behold // The Feast of the Annunciation

Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her. // Luke 1:38 "Whenever...
Visiting Our Lady in Lourdes - Blessed Is She

Visiting Our Lady in Lourdes

I had the privilege and gift to co-lead a pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fatima a few years ago in honor of the 100th anniversary of the apparitions in Fatima. In...
The Motherhood of Mary - Blessed Is She

The Motherhood of Mary

I love this feast day that honors the Blessed Virgin Mary under the aspect of her motherhood of Jesus. By virtue of her divine motherhood, Mary has become mother of...
Our Lady of Guadalupe's Miraculous Tilma - Blessed Is She

Our Lady of Guadalupe's Miraculous Tilma

"Sister. That was a mic-drop class." That's about as high of a compliment as it gets from middle schoolers. It was the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and we...
Our Lady's Greatest Pleasure - Blessed Is She

Our Lady's Greatest Pleasure

  If you’re like me, you may tend to keep the Rosary at a comfortable distance. For example, I have one inside my night stand, one inside the center console...