for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

How to Name Your Baby (Catholic-Style) - Blessed Is She

How to Name Your Baby (Catholic-Style)

Names are an important thing, a truth that becomes all the more obvious as a parent trying to choose a name for your child the first time. Some have had...
A Tour of Chiesa Nuova in Rome - Blessed Is She

A Tour of Chiesa Nuova in Rome

Saint Philip Neri, a prominent figure of the Counter Reformation, is best known for reaching out to the laity in Rome, both young and old. At the time, outreach to...
On Saint Mary Magdalene - Blessed Is She

On Saint Mary Magdalene

The Easter Gospel stories from both Matthew and John lead with Mary Magdalene. This is as important as it is surprising. Certainly her account of encounter of the empty tomb...
Resources for (Re)Discovering Catholicism - Blessed Is She

Resources for (Re)Discovering Catholicism

I was in a crowd of thousands of young people, listening to a talk on being transformed as a disciple of Christ by the author and theologian, Dr. Edward Sri....
BIS Reads: The Peace of the Wild Things - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads: The Peace of the Wild Things

When despair grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be, I go and...
Every Sin Has a Backstory - Blessed Is She

Every Sin Has a Backstory

My friend told me he is gay. I love him dearly but he wants me to celebrate him coming out. What should I do? My sister wants to move in...
Living as a Cloistered Cistercian Nun - Blessed Is She

Living as a Cloistered Cistercian Nun

Valley of Our Lady Monastery is a community of Cistercian nuns who live a life of contemplative prayer according to the Rule of St. Benedict and the traditions of the...
Greta Gerwig's Little Women + What I Wish I Could Tell Jo - Blessed Is She

Greta Gerwig's Little Women + What I Wish I Could Tell Jo

I still remember all the feelings I had when reading Little Women by Lousia May Alcott for the first time. The writing, the story, and the characters were all so...
On the Feast of St. Stephen - Blessed Is She

On the Feast of St. Stephen

Happy Feast of St. Stephen, sisters! And, to those of you in the UK or countries historically connected to it, happy Boxing Day! Wait a second, you might be thinking...
On the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle - Blessed Is She

On the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle

For years now, St. Andrew has intrigued me. It all started when this Blessed is She reflection landed in my inbox back in 2016. Emily’s words resonated with me deeply...
On the Feast of St. Giuseppe Moscati - Blessed Is She

On the Feast of St. Giuseppe Moscati

A Saint is a person in Heaven who lived a virtuous life in a heroic way for the Faith and who is worthy of imitation. It is pleasing to God...
St. Gertrude + the Souls in Purgatory - Blessed Is She

St. Gertrude + the Souls in Purgatory

A handful of Saints within Catholicism have been given the title “Great.” Most recently canonized is Pope St. John Paul the Great, but there’s also St. Albert the Great, St....