How to Start Praying with Your Spouse (Finding What Works for You)
Though not newlyweds, my husband and I are still fairly new to this whole marriage thing. Over the last three and a half years, we have realized over and over...
How Different Media Can Elevate Our Prayer
There are many meaningful ways to add to our prayer time that can guide our thoughts and serve as tools to enhance the ways we pray and grow in the...
Why You Should Enthrone the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Your Home
One of the most inspiring reasons to practice a deep and personal devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is that it unites you to the "Heart of the Church."...
Why Do Catholic Weddings Only Happen in Churches?
I spent four years working as an editor at a bridal magazine. During that time, my colleagues and I reviewed hundreds of wedding submissions each week, carefully considering each one...
Places You Can (Virtually) Visit this Summer
Summertime family vacations always were some of the best memories growing up. The best vacation my siblings and I ever went on was to Disney World. Our family of five...
The Power of a Personal Litany
Many months ago, during a period of moderate doubt and discouragement in my life, I was given a penance after Confession which has since rocked my world. Unlike the typical...
How (And Why) to Rejoice in Your Weakness
“Be perfect,” Jesus tells us, “as your Heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). For years, I thought this meant I had to eliminate all my flaws as fast as I...
Resources for (Re)Discovering Catholicism
I was in a crowd of thousands of young people, listening to a talk on being transformed as a disciple of Christ by the author and theologian, Dr. Edward Sri....
Scripture Verses to Pray When You're Disappointed
My son should be graduating from high school this week. Along with his friends and classmates, our firstborn should be donning a cap and gown so he can cross a...
Making the Rosary a Daily Habit in Times of Overwhelm
Pray the Rosary every day, in order to obtain peace for the world, and the end of the war. -Our Lady of Fatima For years, I was inspired to daily...
The Day I Let Christ Into My Bedroom
When I was a little girl, my godmother was divorced from her abusive husband and could not remarry in the Church without an annulment (which she refused to try to...
Meals from Our Moms
Mothers are Christ-like in that they lay down their lives for their children. Whether it is in the delivery room, the office, the kitchen, or many miles away interceding on...