for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Saint Andrew's Town by the Sea - Blessed Is She

Saint Andrew's Town by the Sea

If there are any avid golfers in your life, you may have heard of the seaside town of St. Andrews on the coast of Scotland. Did you know that this...
BIS Reads // The Night the Saints Saved Christmas - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // The Night the Saints Saved Christmas

Advent and Christmas are my favorite seasons for children's picture books. There's nothing so cozy as bundling under a blanket with my brood and breaking open a beloved book. This...
My Friendship with Blessed Miguel Pro - Blessed Is She

My Friendship with Blessed Miguel Pro

Blessed Miguel Pro is … overwhelming. There was a time in my life where he seemed to be everyone’s favorite Saint, except mine. I did all the things so he...
Peter + Paul: Saintly Polar Opposites - Blessed Is She

Peter + Paul: Saintly Polar Opposites

A few years ago, a colleague at work asked, "Why does the Catholic Church spend so much money on expensive cathedrals when half of the world suffers in poverty?" I...
The Coming Holy Days - Blessed Is She

The Coming Holy Days

In just a few short days, the Catholic Church will enter into a holy trifecta of days: All Hallows' Eve (October 31) All Saints' Day (November 1) All Souls' Day...
Ways to Celebrate the Feast of John Paul II - Blessed Is She

Ways to Celebrate the Feast of John Paul II

Many days in the liturgical calendar are rich with traditions. From having your pets blessed on Saint Francis of Assisi’s feast day to dressing up your oldest daughter for the...
Saint Gerard // Relics and Redemptorists - Blessed Is She

Saint Gerard // Relics and Redemptorists

It was just a few weeks into my pregnancy and my nervous self was concerned that I hadn’t yet started feeling pregnancy nausea. “How many weeks along was I when...
Our Lady's Greatest Pleasure - Blessed Is She

Our Lady's Greatest Pleasure

  If you’re like me, you may tend to keep the Rosary at a comfortable distance. For example, I have one inside my night stand, one inside the center console...
The Importance of "Zeroing In" in Prayer - Blessed Is She

The Importance of "Zeroing In" in Prayer

I rise early after only snoozing my alarm once. I creep past my children's bedrooms as they slumber. I start the coffee. I light the candle. I sit down in...
The Church's Blessing Over Expectant Mothers - Blessed Is She

The Church's Blessing Over Expectant Mothers

A few years ago, my husband and I approached our Pastor after Mass and asked him to give a blessing over the newly-formed baby growing within me. I was expecting...
Saint Hildegard of Bingen - Blessed Is She

Saint Hildegard of Bingen

I know exactly one person who knew as a child what she wanted to be when she grew up. One. She told us in second grade what she planned to...
BIS Reads // Saints Around the World - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads // Saints Around the World

I have a dear friend who is a master when it comes to liturgical living. She is creative and intentional and I'm convinced that crafting is her charism. I am...