In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 22
My personality type lends toward often feeling misunderstood. I can’t even tell you the number of times I’ve said in frustration or sadness, “You just don’t understand!†Sometimes, I feel like the only person on Planet Earth who feels the way I feel.
And then I’m reminded of the One who has felt every emotion and feeling. The One who intimately knows every pain we could ever experience, as well as every joy...
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 21
In college, I majored in Visual Art. It was through the Journalism Department, but my entire major was devoted to learning how to present information in a visual way. “Visual storytelling†was the name of the game for my four years of undergrad, and although I’m not currently using my degree professionally, the things I learned from all that studying are still relevant to my life...
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 20
When I’m having a hard day and it feels like everything is spinning, I often stop and put my hands over my heart. Taking a few deep breaths and listening to that pulse beneath my ribs is often enough to center me.
After my kids fall asleep, I love to tiptoe into their rooms and check on them. I’ll gently rest my hand on their little chests, watching the rise and fall of their breath, feeling the thump-thump of their tiny heartbeats, as familiar to me as my own...
Student Loan Debt + Working in Ministry
Soon after my conversion in 8th grade, I knew I was being called to serve God through His Church. I wasn’t sure what this service would look like, but soon...
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 19
When I was pregnant with my first child, I listened to a podcast by a woman who was recalling a very painful time in her life. Her firstborn child was dying and her marriage was on the rocks as a result of that tragic circumstance. She reflected on that season...
Weekly Wallpaper // 211
“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world." // John 1:29 Download these beautiful free wallpapers from Brass and Mint Co. from today's readings. Let...
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 18
I’m a checklist gal. I love the satisfaction of making a list, methodically crossing things off. And yes, I am one of those people that adds an item to my list that I’ve already completed, just so I can check it off.
Here’s what I’m learning when it comes to the Christian life, though...
The Humility of Asking for Prayers for Yourself
Within my own life, there are a few common sentiments expressed in everyday life that make my heart twinge with sharp little pains every time I hear them. Things like...
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 17
I didn’t grow up with an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in my house, and there wasn’t one in my parish. As a young girl, I didn’t even hear the words “Sacred Heart.†The one exception: my grandmother belonged to the “Sacred Heart Auto League,†and had an emblem on her car...
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 16
“Close your eyes after Holy Communion,†Father Andrew instructed. “Let yourself feel the loving embrace of Jesus.â€
I try to remain attentive to the presence of Jesus after receiving Holy Communion. I believe with all my heart that His precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity dwell within me in a special way. As a mom of six, however, I often have to spend this time with one eye open, making sure my children stay relatively quiet, while our parish community prays around us...
Behind the Scenes of Blessed is She // Tools + Tech
We're often asked a variety of questions about what the Blessed is She ministry uses to make videos, downloads, and so on. So we're pulling back the tech-y curtain—come on...
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 15
I walk with my friend. We’re set on finally finding Jesus. We’ve heard Him speak. We’ve seen Him heal. If only we could get close enough…