for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Ways to Celebrate the Feast of John Paul II - Blessed Is She

Ways to Celebrate the Feast of John Paul II

Many days in the liturgical calendar are rich with traditions. From having your pets blessed on Saint Francis of Assisi’s feast day to dressing up your oldest daughter for the...
Martha, Martha // Anxious and Worried about Many Things - Blessed Is She

Martha, Martha // Anxious and Worried about Many Things

One time, I snapped at my husband about the day’s Gospel reading. We didn’t hold opposing beliefs. We didn’t interpret a fundamental teaching differently. We simply read the words uttered...
BIS Reads: Worthy of Wearing - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads: Worthy of Wearing

“What does worthy of wearing mean to you? Almost five years ago, my friend-via-Instagram, Nicole Caruso, posed this question. It was the first time I recall hearing the phrase “worthy...
Teaching Children About Courage with the Saints - Blessed Is She

Teaching Children About Courage with the Saints

When I was pregnant with my son, my first child, I stumbled upon a quote by C.S. Lewis: Since it is so likely that children will meet cruel enemies, let...
One Year In - Blessed Is She

One Year In

On March 27, 2020, a rainy evening in Rome, Pope Francis stood overlooking an eerily-empty Saint Peter’s Square. Around the entire world, Catholics set aside their work and woke from...
Blessed Chats: College // School Discernment - Blessed Is She

Blessed Chats: College // School Discernment

Welcome to our Blessed Chats series! Each month, we will dedicate an entire week of blog posts to a topic that affects many of us. These conversations often come up...
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 9 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 9

By December 31st each year, I set a few intentional goals and choose a word to focus on throughout the coming year. My word for 2020 was joy.
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 8 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 8

Last summer, my husband and I loaded our preschooler son and baby daughter into the car to make the short drive to the beach. We could hardly wait to see family members and soak in a beautiful new environment after months of quarantine. 
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 7 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 7

Sharing my children doesn’t come easily to me. Perhaps it’s because we live far away from our family members and go about our day-to-day lives pretty independently, or perhaps it’s because of my own pride or selfishness. It’s probably a little bit of both.
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 6 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 6

My mom collects nativity scenes. Through over a decade of living and traveling abroad, she has amassed quite the collection, each one more unique than the last.
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 5 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 5

Not five minutes after I hit “publish†on my pregnancy announcement Instagram post, two of my dearest college friends texted me almost identical messages. “Congratulations!!! I’m pregnant too!†So began a group text thread between the three of us former roommates, spread out across the country and all due with our first babies within a few weeks of one another.
By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 4 - Blessed Is She

By Their Fruits: The 2021 Prayer Pledge // Day 4

If there is someone who knows what it feels like when plans are completely turned upside down, it’s Mary.