for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

An Ananias Spirit (+ Why Ministry Needs It) - Blessed Is She

An Ananias Spirit (+ Why Ministry Needs It)

There are certain biblical characters who, without great detail and explanation of their lives, have captivated me through the written Word. One such holy man is Ananias. There are a...
A Tale of Two Planners - Blessed Is She

A Tale of Two Planners

We are called to steward our lives well, and regardless of the personality God gave us, that involves some level of planning. As we grow and mature into adulthood and...
Scripture Verses about Resurrection - Blessed Is She

Scripture Verses about Resurrection

The Easter story hinges on one detail: the Resurrection. Without resurrection, Easter is business as usual... yesterday’s news. The story that the God of the Universe was writing through Jesus’...
My Spiritual Father, My Priest - Blessed Is She

My Spiritual Father, My Priest

My own earthly father (whom I love very much) was, out of his own brokenness, ill-equipped to be a spiritual father. Growing up, my dad claimed he didn’t believe in...
Hope, Anyway - Blessed Is She

Hope, Anyway

I’m a big fan of Spiderman and all the Spiderman movies. I love the action, the characters, the morals, and the dialogue. One part of the movies that has stuck...
How Traditions Shift as a Family Grows - Blessed Is She

How Traditions Shift as a Family Grows

By definition, traditions are handed-down customs, beliefs, and practices. Often, they are created, shaped, and passed down within a family, community, or religion. Traditions are important for many reasons: They...
Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus - Blessed Is She

Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus

As we near the last two weeks of Lent, traditionally known as Passiontide, we consider even more the profound sufferings of Christ. Through prayer, especially the Stations of the Cross,...
5 Common Mistakes in Discernment (and How to Avoid Them) - Blessed Is She

5 Common Mistakes in Discernment (and How to Avoid Them)

I was in Adoration on retreat at age 16, tears running down my face while I asked Jesus if I should be a nun. “Just tell me,” I begged, with...
Saints Who Had Conversions Later in Life - Blessed Is She

Saints Who Had Conversions Later in Life

Age is an interesting concept. What was once considered old, our modern experience now perceives as the prime of life. Likewise, what we currently qualify as middle-age, our ancestors might...
Navigating Unmet Expectations in Motherhood - Blessed Is She

Navigating Unmet Expectations in Motherhood

A few months ago, I overheard my daughter Kristen talking over the phone with her friend. She beamed as she relayed how I had accepted her not-so-good grades with calm...
How to Bring the Gifts of the Holy Spirit into Hard Conversations - Blessed Is She

How to Bring the Gifts of the Holy Spirit into Hard Conversations

I walked along the edge of the water, approaching the park bench with trepidation. The sun reflected off the lake and covered the top of the water in bright bursts...
The Link Between Trauma + Mental Health - Blessed Is She

The Link Between Trauma + Mental Health

Mental illness doesn’t discriminate. It touches the lives of people in every corner of society: from the homeless and unemployed to builders and doctors, reality stars and sports figures. And,...