for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Crooked Lines: My RCIA Experience - Blessed Is She

Crooked Lines: My RCIA Experience

There is a lull on a day in late June. I find myself searching for Catholic churches nearby where I live in the Loop. I remember a friend recommending Old...
Counterparts: On the Feast of St. Clare of Assisi - Blessed Is She

Counterparts: On the Feast of St. Clare of Assisi

There was a time after I finished school that I lived in a community of volunteers. We talked a lot about the potential for conflict, the importance of ‘I’ statements,...
How to Join the Catholic Church // Insight Into RCIA - Blessed Is She

How to Join the Catholic Church // Insight Into RCIA

I love the Catholic Faith. I love the richness of its history and the courage of its Saints. There are so many inspiring stories of men and women who have...
Making Holy Week New - Blessed Is She

Making Holy Week New

Tomorrow, we enter into the holiest week of the Church’s year. If you experienced God’s love and mercy in a new and powerful way this Lent, Holy Week may be...
Why I'm Jealous of Converts (and What They Teach Me) - Blessed Is She

Why I'm Jealous of Converts (and What They Teach Me)

I am a cradle Catholic. There, I said it. I wish I could share my conversion story and tell of an intensely earnest, perhaps even tear-stained journey from where I...
10 Great Books For Catholic Converts - Blessed Is She

10 Great Books For Catholic Converts

All of us have, at one time or another, needed a good book as we explore the Faith. Or perhaps we need a good book recommendation for someone searching for...