Moved with compassion the master of that servant let him go . . . // Matthew 18:27
I was moved while watching the news clip, a video of a long string of farmers driving their equipment down the street. One after the other. They were responding to another farmer in their area who was sick and not able to work. So many others in the community came together to volunteer their time and their equipment to help work his land. It was inspiring to watch. They must have been working those hours after their own very long days, sacrificing what they had to offer help, and in a way entering into this other farmer's suffering. It was a beautiful effort. Their hearts were moved with compassion, and they acted on it.
In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us this parable about the master who had compassion for the servant. It reminds me of another passage Matthew wrote about where Jesus' Heart was similarly moved with compassion for a crowd because they were "like sheep without a shepherd" (Matthew 9:36). Jesus' Heart was moved for what this crowd needed at that time, and He likewise responded.
Jesus is tender and moved by what we need—by what you need—and our hearts were made in His image. So this week, let’s try to be tender and loving as He is. Let’s respond with compassion to those closest to us. Let us turn to the Lord our compassionate Father, in prayer, asking for our hearts to be made like His own, and remember that He cares about what we need too.