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Trusting Beyond Trauma - Blessed Is She

Trusting Beyond Trauma

The power was out. We forgot to pay the electricity bill. An innocent mistake that could easily be used as an offering in solidarity with all those living without electricity...
January 28, 2021
Lord, Open My Lips - Blessed Is She

Lord, Open My Lips

Speaking is not my strong suite. I fumble over words. I mix up terms that I know well and have a hard time articulating what I mean. I get scared...
December 26, 2020
A Time of Waiting and a Time of Now - Blessed Is She

A Time of Waiting and a Time of Now

Advent: a season of already, but not yet. A time of preparing for what we know has already happened. A comforting paradox filled with hope and anticipation. He is coming,...
November 29, 2020
Given by God for His Glory - Blessed Is She

Given by God for His Glory

I used to think humility meant never accepting a compliment or believing I was uniquely good at anything in particular. Being humble seemed like a command to recognize I wasn’t...
October 31, 2020
Do You Feel Like You're in the Thorns? - Blessed Is She

Do You Feel Like You're in the Thorns?

If worrying were a sport, I’d be in the Olympics. And I would take home the gold. From the time I was a child, I’ve had an anxious personality. So...
September 19, 2020
When You Feel like the 99 Left Behind - Blessed Is She

When You Feel like the 99 Left Behind

“Those aren’t from the cats.” I was referring to the cuts all over my little sister’s legs. The same cuts she had previously told my parents were from our pets....
August 11, 2020