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The Trouble with Prayer Intentions - Blessed Is She

The Trouble with Prayer Intentions

Indeed, the grace of our Lord has been abundant. // 1 Timothy 1:14 Can I trust you with a secret? Sometimes I feel silly sharing prayer intentions with friends if...
September 11, 2022
Find a Friend in Everyone - Blessed Is She

Find a Friend in Everyone

“Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” // Matthew 18:3 My two year old’s vocabulary has really...
August 09, 2022
Family Dynamics Aren't Always Easy - Blessed Is She

Family Dynamics Aren't Always Easy

When his relatives heard of this they set out to seize him, for they said, "He is out of his mind." // Mark 3:21 From the time I was young,...
January 22, 2022
It's Not a Race, John - Blessed Is She

It's Not a Race, John

"Then the other disciple also went in, The one who had arrived at the tomb first, And he saw and believed." // John 20:8 I have to admit, I can...
December 27, 2021
Most Spirited Award - Blessed Is She

Most Spirited Award

I was in the marching band in high school. Every summer during band camp, the staff would select the daily winners of various superlatives. They were things like most spirited,...
September 19, 2021
Take Care of the Others - Blessed Is She

Take Care of the Others

The ending to today’s Gospel can feel a bit jarring. “The servant’s master will come on an unexpected day and at an unknown hour and will punish him severely” (Matthew...
August 26, 2021
God Created Rest - Blessed Is She

God Created Rest

While in grad school I had the privilege of babysitting for an Orthodox Jewish family. They knew I was Catholic and studying theology, and our mutual respect for one another...
July 23, 2021
Grief Is Not a Lack of Belief - Blessed Is She

Grief Is Not a Lack of Belief

During an “ask me anything” panel event for work, a student asked, “If we believe in the afterlife, why do people mourn and cry after someone has died.” The panel...
June 28, 2021
My Attention Back to Jesus - Blessed Is She

My Attention Back to Jesus

Is anyone else oddly comforted by the disciples constantly misunderstanding Jesus or saying dumb things in the Gospels? I don’t mean in a way where you condescendingly enjoy their confusion...
May 22, 2021
A Sheep by Any Other Name - Blessed Is She

A Sheep by Any Other Name

Multiple times in the Gospels, Jesus uses the example of shepherds and their relationship with their flock in parables in beautiful and intimate ways. You may know the story of...
April 26, 2021
Never Abandoned in Our Sorrows - Blessed Is She

Never Abandoned in Our Sorrows

I headed for the bathroom, tears streaming from my eyes. I’d finished off the box of tissues, and toilet paper was all that was left to dry the mess of...
March 18, 2021
Plenteous Mercy - Blessed Is She

Plenteous Mercy

The small red light above the door went dark indicating my turn had come. I entered the dim-lit room, knelt down, made the Sign of the Cross, and began. “Forgive...
February 26, 2021