for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Best Books about the Theology of the Body - Blessed Is She

Best Books about the Theology of the Body

When I hear the words “Theology of the Body” (TOB) I think almost instantly of Pope Saint John Paul II as well as people who have devoted their lives to...
Catholic Prayers for New Beginnings - Blessed Is She

Catholic Prayers for New Beginnings

As the academic year comes to a close, it can feel like we are on the cusp of something new, long after we find ourselves counting down the days until...
To Mother and to Grieve - Blessed Is She

To Mother and to Grieve

My husband and I were only four months into our marriage when we suffered our first miscarriage. We had so many hopes and so much excitement. After one week of...
How Traditions Shift as a Family Grows - Blessed Is She

How Traditions Shift as a Family Grows

By definition, traditions are handed-down customs, beliefs, and practices. Often, they are created, shaped, and passed down within a family, community, or religion. Traditions are important for many reasons: They...
Navigating Unmet Expectations in Motherhood - Blessed Is She

Navigating Unmet Expectations in Motherhood

A few months ago, I overheard my daughter Kristen talking over the phone with her friend. She beamed as she relayed how I had accepted her not-so-good grades with calm...
Having Another Kid Without Losing It - Blessed Is She

Having Another Kid Without Losing It

I run into many people who can’t believe I have “so many” kids. Whether at the grocery store, at the library, at church, or at public gatherings or parties, people...
The Motherhood of Mary - Blessed Is She

The Motherhood of Mary

I love this feast day that honors the Blessed Virgin Mary under the aspect of her motherhood of Jesus. By virtue of her divine motherhood, Mary has become mother of...
A Day in the Life of a Sister of Life - Blessed Is She

A Day in the Life of a Sister of Life

As I approached the steps of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, I saw white and blue fabric billowing in the wind, fabric from the habits of the Sisters...
BIS Reviews // Call the Midwife - Blessed Is She

BIS Reviews // Call the Midwife

I joined the party almost a decade late, but Call the Midwife is a BBC TV Series that you can begin now without feeling behind. The show is based on...
Saint Gerard // Relics and Redemptorists - Blessed Is She

Saint Gerard // Relics and Redemptorists

It was just a few weeks into my pregnancy and my nervous self was concerned that I hadn’t yet started feeling pregnancy nausea. “How many weeks along was I when...
How to Have Faith in the Midst of Grief - Blessed Is She

How to Have Faith in the Midst of Grief

The other day, my daughter and I were having a conversation about Heaven. She thought that everybody in Heaven were “grandmas and grandpas”, innocently assuming that people only ever died...
Uncovering the Real Meaning of My Beauty - Blessed Is She

Uncovering the Real Meaning of My Beauty

As a woman, I understand the temptation to place my value on my looks, and especially on my hair. It’s funny how a woman’s hair can become her security blanket,...