for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Be a Missionary to Ireland (Without Leaving Your Home) - Blessed Is She

Be a Missionary to Ireland (Without Leaving Your Home)

When The Blessed is She team first discerned and decided that the theme of the Blessed is She retreats for 2018 would be Wild, I had no idea just how...
Our Lady of Middle Age - Blessed Is She

Our Lady of Middle Age

Stop for a moment and think of Mary. What image of her comes to mind? Maybe you think of a young mother holding a baby, like we see in countless...
What is Marian Consecration? - Blessed Is She

What is Marian Consecration?

As Catholics, we have an incredibly rich spiritual buffet presented to us. Holy Mother Church offers prayers, devotions, liturgies, and traditions that speak to every personality and life stage of...
What I Learned from St. Francis Xavier - Blessed Is She

What I Learned from St. Francis Xavier

This year, the right arm of St. Francis Xavier is travelling across Canada, giving thousands of Catholics the opportunity to venerate the first-class relic of a Saint who is said...
Being a Light on Your College Campus - Blessed Is She

Being a Light on Your College Campus

As a Catholic college student, it is easy to be tempted to despair at times when one sees the state of their college campus. The culture of college seems to...
Grappling with Generosity - Blessed Is She

Grappling with Generosity

Almost every evening as I head home from work, there is a homeless veteran perched at the end of the highway exit where cars line up at a red light....
The Annunciation: One "Yes" at a Time - Blessed Is She

The Annunciation: One "Yes" at a Time

The Annunciation is a marvel to me. As it should be, I suppose. You see, unlike so many women who hoot and holler with joy at the news of a...
Why You Shouldn't Wait to Volunteer - Blessed Is She

Why You Shouldn't Wait to Volunteer

“Chips? Salad? Would you like dressing on that?” It took me twenty-four years before I volunteered for the first time at a breakfast program. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy...
Loving God with Our Hearts, Souls, and Minds - Blessed Is She

Loving God with Our Hearts, Souls, and Minds

We are all invited to be part of the world’s greatest love story. God’s ultimate desire is for us to become one with His complete and perfect love. And if...
MYSTERY: Discovering the Depth of the Rosary - Blessed Is She

MYSTERY: Discovering the Depth of the Rosary

Perhaps the best person to teach us about the life of Christ is His mother, Mary. After all, she was there with Him from the moment of the Incarnation to...
Catholic Simplicity: Soulful Minimalism - Blessed Is She

Catholic Simplicity: Soulful Minimalism

At long last, winter is giving way to warmer temperatures and spring is on the horizon. More sunshine, more time outside, and spring cleaning. I love purging the clutter and...
How the Church Can Support Single People - Blessed Is She

How the Church Can Support Single People

God has given us the gift of life! To live our lives well involves commitments and decisions that can be daunting and intimidating, even more so if you are trying...