for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 12 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 12

Another day, another opportunity for me to think about ins and outs of my schedule. There are always so many things I want to squeeze in -- sometimes my to-do...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 11 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 11

You might have noticed, over the last few days, that I've been thinking a lot about how to fill my everyday life up with grace. The smallest tasks and moments...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 10 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 10

One of the things I want to learn to do more meaningfully this year is to know I walk with God by my side every day. Sometimes I just feel...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 9 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 9

The Epiphany has passed, the New Year feels a little less fresh, and real life seems to be crowding in for me. The sweet lull I had felt earlier this...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 8 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 8

Today, here in the US, we observe the Epiphany. The Magi arrive, honoring the splendor of Christ. This splendor has not dimmed. While we can't look up and point to...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 7 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 7

As we round out the first week of the year, I hope you have taken the time to sit silently with the Lord. Quiet, peaceful prayer doesn’t just look the...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 6 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 6

In today's devotion, Patty Hubbard writes about her beautiful, personal relationship with the Holy Spirit: "How do we begin to have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit? We ask....
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 5 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 5

The Catholic Church encourages all believers to have a special relationship with Mary, Mother of God, the first disciple. Today, spend time in prayer with Mary -- in the Rosary,...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 4 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 4

Over the last few days, I've been asking myself (and you): What can I do to start 2017 refreshed and grounded? What can I do to foster my relationship with...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 3 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 3

As we grow together as a prayer community, we also will each grow individually as we create space within ourselves for quiet prayer. In this time of year, as we...
Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 2 - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge 2017: Day 2

As Catholics, we have a unique opportunity to seek peace and grace in the sacrament of Reconciliation. Henri Nouwen writes, "This [sacrament] calls us to let go of old hurts...
Prayer Pledge for 2017 (it's time) - Blessed Is She

Prayer Pledge for 2017 (it's time)

We pledge that for the first part of the year 2017, we will pray daily together as a sisterhood. Whether it be reading the daily devotions (subscribe here), prayer journaling,...