Ephesians 5 // The Strength of Submission
I’ll be honest: every time I attended a wedding and one of the readings is Ephesians 5, I always lose my attention and focus. This is due to the fact...
Princess Saints
From Cinderella to Sara Crewe, stories of princesses colored my childhood. I was enchanted by their sparkling tiaras and twirling gowns, fascinated by their adventures, and inspired by their examples...
BIS Reads // Theology of Home II
When my oldest son turned two, I made him a three-car train cake out of banana breads baked in different-sized rectangular loaf pans. I even carved out a space for...
Friendship + Fellowship with Non-Catholics
I was not raised in a Catholic home. In fact, I am the only Catholic in my whole family. I converted when I was 7 years old and I’ve been...
On Body Image
For from their greatness and beauty of created things, their original author, by analogy can be seen. -Wisdom 13: 5 Have you ever listened to little kids boast about their...
Wholly Surrendered
It started as a quiet stirring in my heart, this gentle, almost imperceptible whisper from the Lord: “Come and rest with Me awhile.” I didn't understand what it meant, but...
Tips for Praying with Your Roommates
Roommates make up a home just as much as the brick and mortar or the cute succulent decorations of any house. We want our homes to be places of peace...
The Blessed Mother Bolstered My Hope in the Face of Despair
Sometimes in life we are faced with moments that change everything. It can be difficult to stay upright when life does not go as planned, careening drastically off course. The...
Advent is Still Coming, Jesus is Still the Savior
The year 2020 has been...a bit much. I'd venture to guess that most of us are weary and honestly, still trying to figure out what just happened. But there's always...
The "College Experience"?
Before my freshman year, college was this great mythical story to me. My older sister would come home during the holidays with endless stories of her college experiences and they...
The Beauty I Found in Job Loss
Shock. Anger. Gutted. Disbelief. I will never forget how those emotions seared through my body in the course of seconds when I discovered I lost my job. To say I...
Servant Leadership
Picture the cringe-worthy bosses depicted in A Christmas Carol or The Devil Wears Prada. Scrooge and Miranda criticize, demand, and exact time and effort from their employees all the while...