How do You shepherd all these people? You knew well Your mission from the Father and never wavered in loving. You submitted fully to the Father's will and gave us all. You never stop loving us now.
"Tend the flock of God in your midst," Saint Peter writes in 1 Peter 5:2. I know he wrote that to other leaders in the early Christian community, but I feel like he's speaking encouragement to me about my family. Like he's reminding me about the mission You have for me. What can I do to imitate You, the Good Shepherd, more in my life?
I'm sitting here struggling with my little flock. Struggling to be patient and gentle. Struggling with my willingness to do the hard work of each day, the tedious and mundane work, the necessary work.
How would You have me love my family better and also serve my community?
In what unique way have You called me to reflect Your image and glory in my life? To be like You, Jesus, to know You and do Your will, that is what I desire. Jesus, speak Your will to me again. Remind me who You called me to be. And please give me courage to embrace my Imago Dei and live well the unique mission You have for me. Amen.
Sister, while I prayed, I reflected on Jesus' life and words. The answers came: I can tend my flock by living the works of mercy, by saying "Thy will be done" throughout my days, and offering them to the Father.
I also recalled that today is the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter. My heart is moved to pray for those selected to be pope, cardinals, bishops, and priests so they can be holy and courageous, wholly dedicated to following Christ while serving the Church.
Father, draw our men to Your heart so they may be holy leaders!
Remind me who You called me to be. // Gina FenstererClick to tweet
If you don't have a devotion to Saint Peter, learn more about him here.