Meditate on this with me, sister.
Imagine you are sitting on a cozy rocking chair, your favorite throw blanket is draped over your legs. You are holding a mug of a warm and delicious beverage with its aroma wafting towards your face. The sun is just rising, and you can hear the earliest chirps of the birds saying good morning to the sun. You are alone with your thoughts and start to set your mug down on a small table next to your chair.
Suddenly, you realize that you are no longer alone. You sense a companion moving out of the dawn shadows to approach you, hand outstretched. You cannot see a face nor hear a voice, but you know to accept the proffered hand, allowing it to lift up and lead you forward.
You are led towards the door, maneuvering in the dark with the utmost trust in your guide. You know you are safe, but still wonder why you've been called to this journey. An excitement builds in your stomach, and your heart lifts toward the path ahead.
The door opens, and you are hit with the sweet scent of morning dew and of the gently unfurling petals of flowers. You continue, hand-in-hand, with your companion down a winding path where dense trees block your view of the destination. You hear a crunch of pine needles as you move across the ground.
Your companion halts you and places hands over your eyes. You are not afraid, you know those hands. You know the warmth radiating from them. You are gently spun around and led forward before stopping. Take a breath in. Exhale.
Open your eyes. You see His face. More radiant than the morning sun. More blinding than an exploding star. You are home.
"And he said to him, "Amen, amen, I say to you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man"" (John 1:51).
What path has He led you on, sister? Will you trust Him when He offers His hand?