“Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us! This is the LORD for whom we looked; let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!” For the hand of the LORD will rest on this mountain” (Isaiah 25:9-10a).
Sister, do not give up! Do not give in! The struggle and the fight are worth it. Even though your body is weak, your tears either won’t stop flowing or will no longer fall, and strength eludes you. Get up! Because God is not finished with you.
Even in your hardest moments, He has a plan that leads you to the greatest joy: to be united with Him on the glorious mountain.
Jesus looks with loving pity on you—not disdain or arrogance—but with mercy. He will not turn you away, because He knows that nothing is possible without Him. Instead, He always provides a way back to His Sacred Heart. It may be through a miracle or it may be through a trial, but there’s always a way back to Him.
In this time of Advent when we are focusing on hope, love, joy, and peace, I pray for the grace to hope in the Lord’s coming, to love in affliction, to recognize and acknowledge the big and small moments of joy, and to embrace the peace that comes only from Jesus.
He still shepherds, guides, refreshes, and anoints. He still heals, cures, and nourishes in abundance. He is and always will be God-with-Us. So please, Sister, do not give up! Do not give in! I am praying for you and welcome your prayers as well.
He still heals, cures, and nourishes in abundance. // @ChikasworldClick to tweet