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He Loves Me - Blessed Is She

He Loves Me

Every once in a while, I think back to my high-school self and wonder what I would tell the sixteen year old with acne and bleached hair if I had...
September 04, 2020
Learning What Surrender Actually Is - Blessed Is She

Learning What Surrender Actually Is

I’ve always been the kind of person who doesn’t shy away from putting her heart on the line. Whether it’s a professional aspiration, a personal relationship, or a split-second decision,...
August 10, 2020
Live to Shine - Blessed Is She

Live to Shine

I approached the Sacrament of Reconciliation with a heavy heart that I attributed to the sins that I would be confessing. Proceeding with my usual routine, I listed off the...
July 28, 2020
You Will See Clearly - Blessed Is She

You Will See Clearly

One of the most treasured experiences in my life is watching the sunrise. The way the light captivates the horizon and illuminates the sky reminds me of the enduring promise...
June 22, 2020