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What Will You Offer? - Blessed Is She

What Will You Offer?

I’m one week away from moving out of beautiful California–the only state I’ve ever lived in and where my family resides–to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where I know fewer than ten people...
July 25, 2021
Prayer Beyond a To-Do Item - Blessed Is She

Prayer Beyond a To-Do Item

One of the topics that I’m most commonly asked to speak on as a Catholic evangelist is prayer. And it makes sense since I wrote a testimonial/devotional book on prayer....
June 17, 2021
Where Do You Go with Your Deep Longing? - Blessed Is She

Where Do You Go with Your Deep Longing?

For the most part, I know the right things to say because I’ve said them a million times before to myself and others. I know the right things to do...
March 04, 2021
Great Steward or Great Consumer? - Blessed Is She

Great Steward or Great Consumer?

“Do you know that that’s a sin?” she asked. “What are you talking about?” I said. “If you have so much stuff that you can’t take care of it properly...
February 05, 2021
His Glory, Our Healing - Blessed Is She

His Glory, Our Healing

At a youth conference Mass, I had just knelt down after receiving Holy Eucharist and uttered the prayer, “Lord, who needs Your healing? Show me and give me the courage...
January 12, 2021
Do Not Give Up or In - Blessed Is She

Do Not Give Up or In

“Behold our God, to whom we looked to save us! This is the LORD for whom we looked; let us rejoice and be glad that he has saved us!” For...
December 02, 2020
Who Wants to Die? - Blessed Is She

Who Wants to Die?

“Who wants to go to Heaven?!” The priest shouted enthusiastically to me and about two hundred other teenagers present at a summer retreat. Everyone raised their hand as if trying...
November 24, 2020
Proclaim the Presence - Blessed Is She

Proclaim the Presence

“This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel” (Mark 1:15). This proclamation of Jesus has been a constant presence...
October 29, 2020
Two Guys at a Bar and Saint Paul - Blessed Is She

Two Guys at a Bar and Saint Paul

It really felt like me against the world while sitting in a bar with two of my girlfriends and two nice guys that bought us drinks. Well, nice until I...
September 18, 2020
Take Them to the Lord in Prayer - Blessed Is She

Take Them to the Lord in Prayer

He wasn’t returning our phone calls or responding to our text messages. We called his brother and his employees but it seemed that he vanished in plain sight. And with...
August 07, 2020
He Is for Us - Blessed Is She

He Is for Us

For a few months leading up to my participation in a Theology of the Body retreat, every time I attended Mass, I would be jolted into remembrance of a particular...
July 20, 2020
Who is Shaping Your Life? - Blessed Is She

Who is Shaping Your Life?

When my mom was pregnant with me, my paternal grandmother suggested that my parents name me “Chika,” a shortened version of the name "Chikaodinaka," which in Igbo means "It is...
June 24, 2020