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Never Second-Best
Did today’s First Reading lose you a bit amidst all the animal carcasses and smoking fire pots? The part about Abram’s descendants numbering the stars is easy to follow, but...
Life Beyond the Gate
Lord, show me the narrow gate! And give me courage to enter through it, I pray, I want to be among those who enter and find life. He has shown...
A Woman After God's Own Heart
One of our Italian sisters inspired me since before I even entered the community. Her childlike faith and love for Our Lord became even more radiant and profound as she...
Perfectly Incorporated into Christ
For years I questioned why I was so peaceful over my father's death. Since the day of his funeral, instead of feeling the absence of his presence, I have had...
When We Are Weak, We Are Strong
Some Saints are hard to relate to, but when (Saint) Paul says he begged God to relieve him of his suffering, I breathe a sigh of relief and think sanctity...
When the Wreckage Sweeps Away
"Three times I was shipwrecked . . . " (2 Corinthians 11:25). I read that one line from the First Reading today and my heart skipped a beat. Same, Paul,...
A Father Ready to Provide
My daughter was born in August of 2017, and in the nine months of my pregnancy, I read every parenting and baby book I could find: sleep training, baby sign...
He Will Give You Enough
With eyes bright and a huge smile, my friend told me about a project she was working on that would help spread the Gospel message to countless people. Her face...
Give Liberally However You Can
Haven’t we as a Church suffered so much lately? Blood spilled and churches burned. Scandals rampage and beliefs are tested. And we want to help our own, but where do...
The Time Is Now
My weary head finally hits the pillow. By the grace of God I take a moment to thank the Lord. I reflect back over the day and realize this is...
Adulting on Instagram and Relativity about Truth
"But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth" (John 16:14). Truth felt like an evasive slippery uncomfortable thing. I slinked down in the...
New Life Has Come
There is something really special about watching adults receive the Sacrament of Baptism at the Easter Vigil. This year was the first time I oversaw RCIA at the parish where...