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Pass the Salt
Happy Thursday. It’s the ordinary-est of days. It’s the first week back to Ordinary time after weeks of rending our hearts, weeks of feasting and rejoicing during Easter, and that...
United in His Name
When I was in intensive training to become a Montessori teacher, I was amazed by the powerful unity and friendship that my classmates and I felt with one another. One...
Have You Exhausted Your Lovers?
Have you exhausted your lovers? The Lord’s question threw me off guard, but I knew exactly what He meant. In prayer, I stood before Him for the first time in...
Go Where He Leads Us
This year, the feast of Pentecost has a special meaning to me because my daughter will be receiving her Confirmation. I can't help but look at her with tears in...
Encountering God in the Ordinary
What did you do yesterday? Do you have to pull out your Blessed is She Liturgical Planner to remember (because I do)? Whom did you have conversations with over text,...
Aging Souls
I am a student of human development. How people grow and change is something that drives me, fascinates me, and some days even baffles me. When you watch little children...
A Legacy of Love
Two years ago, I had the privilege of accompanying my 101-year-old grandmother, the matriarch of our Jewish family, to death’s door. Although I had spent years listening to her wise...
Beautiful Goodbyes
I’ve always had an aversion to saying good-bye. It is difficult to think that I might not see someone I treasure for a long time. I guess that’s why I...
Grasping at God the Father
A scream pierced the darkness. I awoke, dazed, as my husband stumbled from the bed to flip on the glaring light. It was our youngest, suffering one of his night...
Freedom in Obedience
In the nine verses that make up today’s Gospel passage there are two words that get repeated over and over: love and command, or commandment. (John 15:9-17) So what do...
Heaven Becomes Accessible
Every Sunday at Mass, we recite the Nicene Creed and proclaim our belief that Jesus “ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.” (full prayer...
Complete Joy
“Whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you. Until now you have not asked anything in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your...